This lovely award was given to me by Maddy from Whitterer on Autism. I would like to pass this along to Tiff from Three Ring Circus because Tiff has a lovely spirit and I would enjoy meeting Tiff very much..

I will also pass this along to Mariposa, Secret Agent Mama and Jientje for their lovely photographs that make me smile..

The gorgeous Veronica, she of the sleepless nights made this lovely award... Clever clever girl that she is...*sigh* I am going to pass these flowers on to Tina from a Bunch of Burts, HRH from June Cleaver Nirvana and to Caroline at Laughing alone in the Dark.. I have just recently discovered these blogs and I am enjoying them very much... Also I would like to give these flowers to old Knudsen from Frank Fearless Free mmm I think they would look very nice on his sidebar maybe just under the weather...

Casdok had an awards post recently and if you haven't read Casdoks blog you really should go over and have a look..
At the end of Casdoks post she put up this lovely little piece of bloggy goodness for anyone to have.. So of course I nicked it quick smart...
I would like to pass this along to Tracey from Why Bother just to stop her moaning about never getting any bling.. hehehehe. To Lou for his comments that make me giggle not just on my blog but everywhere he goes.. to Lotus from Sarcastic Mom her silliness just makes me smile and she forgave me for being a bit snippy..
This is only part one of my awards ceremony.. this has taken way too long to do.. ooops the spouse is getting a tad grumpy so i had better go and do some *shudder* housework
cheers kim xxx
Awww, thanks Kim.
That means the world to me. I would love to meet you too but you know what? I think you and my Mum would enjoy each other's company too, which is so much more special. You remind me of her.
(Note to self - pull finger out of bottom and do awards post)
Thanks so much! How sweet of you to think of me. I always love visiting your site. Thank you so much.
Thank you, Kim, my dear bloggy pal!!
Okay,first it cracks me up a little bit that you gave me bling that is sky. Yeah, I know there's a big tree there, but it's still sky. Our little obsession...I took a bunch of sky photos today when we were walking the dogs. But that's tomorrow's post...
Thanks, Kim!!!I love it! And whoops my reputation is getting a tad bit bizarre...or truthful!
I totally love it that you gave one to Knudsey.
Rock on!
With flowers. Yeah!
What an adorable button - Thank you! I'm going to put it on my love page right away. Thank YOU for being MY friend!
congrats girls...
above comment..
was from me.. taz..
Thank you ever so much for this award whoo! who would have thought I'd ever be here getting a flowery award from Kim the Tasmanian devil? I have some people I want to thank, the Indian couple at the corner shop, if I could spell yer name I would, Kevin Rudd for telling me I could do better than being a pole dancer, to Jack Russell whom I left for dead in the trenches of Flanders only to have him steal my 3rd wife as an act of revenge, cheers mate she was a hag, to my peeps Tuatha de Danann without you I'd just be a mere mortal, to Queen Liz, I love you babe and of course to Kim with a great doon to earth sense of humour and the sexist green eye since Eric the Cyclops. I shall show how confident I am in my sexuality by displaying this award as a real man should be able to change a baby, cook dinner and destroy his enemies with crimson slaughter. Did I leave anyone out? oh my news team without them I would only be great not brilliant.
Aw thanks old woman.
You won the Pay It Forward! Congrats!
Awwww, what a nice thing to get at eight o'clock in the morning!
An award and a compliment! It's going to be a great day today, I can feel it! Thanks Kim!
Congratulations on all the great awards - you so deserve all of them!!
Have a great day Kim - see you later. Kellan
What lovely awards.
And such nice tributes to your blog buddies.
I found you on the blog365 feed.
Waving at you from New York
Congratulations on all your numerous awards! And this is only the first installment!
I was pleased to get your award! Thanks!
I can see it on the blog, I hope I am not the only one. :) I just copy and pasted it, so maybe it is user error.
Thanks for thinking of me.
Thank you so much! I'm so embarassed to see this a bit late...but I'd be passing it along!
And you so deserve all those awards you got!
Cheers! And guess what? My husband and some of our friends actually call me Moana. Nice.
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