My response was:"Nice try ole Fella but I don't think I can blame my fat arse on Global warming."
Then I started to think well, maybe I can..
It has been a hot summer here in Tassie a lot hotter than I am used to. The unseasonable heat can possibly be attributed to global warming. So to compensate for the unseasonal heat I have had to drink a lot of beer..
We haven't had any rain at all since well before Christmas. So instead of drinking precious water that could be used on the vegie garden, I have had to drink a lot of beer.
I am a tad stressed by the strange weather and what does an Aussie do when they are stressed? You guessed it. We drink a lot of beer..
The price of petrol is really expensive at the moment and the oil companies would have us peasants er consumers believe that this is due to global warming. So in order to use as little petrol as possible I have to drink a lot of beer. I never drink and drive.(because I crash..ooops)
So thanks to Old Knudsen for his comment I totally agree with him.
Yep global warming is definately to blame for my fat arse.. Now where's the beer???
I thought you were in a period of abstinence? Not that I would know what THAT means...*slurp*
If you're anything like me, you're not fat at all, just too short for your weight. My scales tell me I should be 6ft tall..........at least.
Well I was Tracey...but umm err.. It's all these climatic changes and stuff. they are bad for me nerves...and I misplaced the Bex.. hehehee
At least 6 foot River at least.. hehehe my mirror begs me not to hide it away again...
cheers kim " It's global warming I tells ya!! " Hic....
I am giggling away over here. At least the warm weather has contributed to some good skies.
I like a woman that says I am I right, I love a woman that proves it.
Now if you can help me uncover the Lemurs plan for world domination I'd be very happy, I wouldn't be surprised if they started global warming.
The weather is hot its global warming Iran gets snow its global warming, I'm off to buy some land in greenland.
I am so loving that logic! BG x
good old beer..
You wont be giggling for long sweety when you see my ever so sympathetic comments on your cooking post. *waves* hi vonnie tee hee xxx
Darn Lemurs... I knew they were only pretending to be cute...Just like my Grandaughter the Revolutionary.. Hi Amy Nanny loves you....
Greenland is overrated btw. It is getting a bit slushy there or was that vodka and iceland.. ooops I forgot..
Bendy you are my BFF xox
Aussie Beer too Taz,
Cheers Kim :)
baaahaahaa!! I likes your logic!
Cheers - is a cascade or home brew ?
I love Aussie beer - although I hear that you guys don't have too much respect for Foster's - that's the only one I've ever had the opportunity to drink. Here in the States, Foster's comes in a 25oz. container we lovingly call the 'Oil Can'. My personal record is 5 Oil Cans before I had to go pee.
I do too Bettina I do too!!!
Actually We are drinking Tooheys new at the moment, Trish but you just can't beat a cascade...
I just converted that into metric Lou and the best I can figure is that One of the oil cans is a pint and a bit... Wow that is a pretty impressive record.. Wow.. Oh btw Fosters is pretty awful blehh
Cheers kim... It looks like it is going to be a bit chilly today.. So umm I wonder what my excuse can be???
Not a great beer drinker - but I like Dog beer (cascade premium) or stella artois every so often - and you have to drink beer with mexican food!! Global warming is to blame for my fat arse because it's far too hot to go outside and do stuff like gardening and exercise!
Yep Tinkingbell that is so correct, and If we do go outside there is always the risk of skin cancer as well.. We are doomed to have big bums forever..
cheers kim
and because of global warming I have to eat ALL the chocolate before it melts!
Thanks babe. Now I have a GOOD reason!
All right Distracto-Lass...get back to that laundry!
I love the logic ofthatone! Hilarious!
Too bad I live in Belgium, we have way too much rain here, so there is more than enough water to go around! Sad huh?
I hate beer so I am glad you are making the effort to drink my share. Thank you for the heads up about global warming making my bottom look big!!! Now I can relax and just wait for Winter!!!
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