Julie gave me this loveable blog award.. I know that Julie gave it to me because I had saved it to the desktop as a 'From Julie Yay'.. Unfortunately I have no idea why or when she gave it to me ooops.. But you can be assured that I did think "Excellent! Woohoo! High-Five" thoughts when I received

I would like to pass this award on to Veronica at sleepless nights, Cat at Fitcat, Maddy at Alien in a Foreign Field, Kellan from On the Upside,Miss Sniz, Tiff from Three Ring Circus , Trish from My Little Drummer boys, 2Paw and Tinkingbell who wishes she could knit in her sleep..

Another award from Julie ( Yay I heart Julie) this little award is a "bloggy blessing" I would like to pass this award onto Taz @Taliazko's Weblog. Witchypoo @ psychicgeek.com, Dawn from Kaiser Alex , Bendy girl @ benefit scrounging scum and Xbox4NappyRash because I really want his xbox hehehehe....

I still have a few more awards to hand out but my bum is getting a bit sore from sitting here and I haven't even started on the links yet... hehehehe cheers kim
thanks kimme..
Wow !
A publicised one off the wrist AND an award all in one day.
As for the Xbox you're gonna have to fight me for it....
Many thanks Kim, the good karma is much appreciated.
Thanks very much!!!
I'll try to be techie and transfer it over - don't hold your breath - may be a day or so -thanks so much!!!
I have about eleventy thousand to do but I am too scared to! I forget who I have already given them too, and then ALWAYS miss out on someone and they get all hurt and sad. And then I get all hurt and sad and it is not good for my world dominatrix persona!
Hey Kim - Congrats on your awards - you deserve them, especially the lovable one - you are quite loveable!! ANd, thanks for passing that one on to me - I love it! See you soon. Kellan
Aww thanks Kim. MWAH!
I just got home form spilling my guts to the paed and was feeling wrecked. THen I turned on the puter and you gave me the boost I needed.
As a non-award winner, I feel quite humbled to be in your company Ms Kim :) Seriously, you deserve every accolade you receive - I will not forget the wonderful advice you gave me when I first started posting last year - in fact, other than my husband, you were my only reader for quite some time - thank you :)
Ooooh! An award! Thankyou. xx
Oooh, thank you Kim BG x
You deserve every award you get - and then some.
What idea did I give you????
The mystery is killing me....
thanks Kim &hearts you too.
Kim, that award that comes with the bloggy blessing is awesome. So glad you posted the link to it, and thanks for thinking of me.
I have it in my drafts, so I already have acknowledge where it came from, but you know it takes forever to decide who to bestow it upon, and then there is all those pesky links after you decide.
Thank you for taking the time to put my pesky link in there!
You are so popular! I feel honored to know you!!!
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