One of the first things that I do in the morning is look outside and check out what sort of day it is going to be. I looked out the bathroom window this morning and my first thought was, "Gosh it's foggy.
Then I noticed that the sun was an orangey red and I knew that it wasn't fog but bloody smoke. Thick stinky smoke from yet another of Forestry Tasmanias regeneration burns..
See that smoky photo, this is what it looked like here at 7 am.. Bastards..

This photo shows what is happening.
(photo courtesy of
See that helicopter.. Napalm is being used to firebomb our forests. Richard Flanagan says it best here in an article he wrote for The Guardian...
Some days I am ashamed to be Tasmanian..
just wondering... does taz the tasmanian devil get mentioned nonstop by every single non-tasmanian?
cos even i'm mentioning it here now.
I know. But it's just all part of the Lennon/Gunns duopoly that decides what happens here. Can't believe they do it. Thanks for all the links.
Hope the smoke clears soon.
(Oh, am I too contoversial with the Gunns reference???? It's the whole Mill thing up here in my valley too)
Not every day B.. only the ones ending in Y..
You are welcome 2paw.. No you are not controversial at all.. Funny coincidence that our dear premier had all the renovations on his home done by a company owned by Gunns...
only the ones ending in y? youse have an extra day?!
I don't really get this. Do you mean someone set the fire?
TTYS - Sniz
Sniz - Yup, Forestry Tasmania lit the fire.
What they do, is they remove all the trees and sell them (generally for woodchips) then they firebomb all the rubbish that is left behind.
It is very very sad.
and "the rubbish" as Veronica put it, is Myrtle, black heart sassafras, blackwood etc etc.. All highly prized by craftspeople..
Oh and I forgot to mention the leatherwood.. Tasmania is the only place in the world that you can get leatherwood honey.. They are burning those trees as well..
I know that Aboriginals burn land to help it grow but this is shear madness. I shall boycott all things Tasmanian............................except the blogs, no more shall I buy my New Zealand Lamb from Tasmania, ok now I'm confused its cos you all talk funny.
It seems to me to be burning living antiques, there is a special place in hell for those who kill trees and wildlife and poison the water and land for no good reason.
Not that I've ever heard a good reason.
What a shame to have all that lovely craftwood indiscriminately destroyed. Can't they harvest and store it to be made available for woodworkers?
Leatherwood honey used to be available here in Adelaide at a spcialist shop in our Central Market. Maybe it still is but I haven't been there for yonks so I can't be sure.I tried it once and found it to be a strongly flavoured honey, much different from the mild stuff I grew up eating.
When will people realise that you can't eat money???
Thanks for reading Richard Flanagans articles..
There really is a strong climate of fear down here at the moment..Anyone that speaks out about the destruction of Tasmania's Forests is a greeny ratbag.
Oh jeez that's awful :(
Do you think anyone/thing will be able to stop them?
Truly Marylin I think that they will only stop when there aren't any more trees..
The corruption and the greed goes right to the top.. the buck doesn't stop down here..
As an American, who is too tired of being ashamed of greed and corruption in government, which is a shame all Americans should feel, I am so disappointed to see such a thing happening in Tasmania. From here, we have an image of Australia as laid back and fun loving. Tasmania, as an Australian state, isn't so visible to us, but given that you are part and participle of Australia, you would share that image. Or should. It is so disappointing to see your state as economically deprived and your government as greedy and crony-ridden. We have seen you and you are us.
That is absolutely horrible! Words can't even describe how horrible that is.
Humans are so full of greed.
that is really sad.. and quite horrible..
Burning for regeneration only needs to be a low intensity controlled burn, not one that is out of control crowing through the treetops! The asshats defending this and profiting off it have a lot to answer for.
I'm not even tasmanian and I'm ashamed.
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