Yep.. it is Bye Bye Blogger...Hello Wordpress... Veronica has taken me over to the other side...
And I am loving it..
Please come and check out my new pond...
Cheers Kim xxx..
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Sunday, April 27, 2008
Friday, April 25, 2008
Anzac Day.. (A post written drunk..)
How Can I describe Anzac day?? A day that defines how I think of myself as an Australian.
A day that makes me immensely proud and immeasurably sad. Who else but Australians and our mad cousins, the New Zealanders, would take a disastrous defeat, military insanity and completley chaotic ineptitude and turn it into A matter of Intense National pride. who else??
No one else thats who..Except possibly for the bloody Irish, because the Irish are fucking insane as well. The Irish whose blood runs thickly in my family and in a lot of Australian Families.
To celebrate the defeat and the senseless slaughter that was and is Gallipoli. Is truly an Australian thing.
To be proud of the fact that we are descended from convicts and from the detritus of English society is a truly Australian thing.
I think that as Australians we really like to say, Oh Get Fucked you Bastard.. which really translates to, It's your shout.. and lets put our hands in our pockets and are you right mate..
In secret squirrel language it means we want to help.. this is truly an Australian thing
Phrases like ..No Shit Sherlock.. Flat out like a lizard drinking. You bewdy , and *this is a knife* And never ever, ever! apologising for not knowing the words to our National Anthem.. this is truly an Australian thing.
"Australians all let us rejoice for we are young and free..
oh dum de dum dee do de dum oh something gird by sea...,,
blah blah blah balh balh bla bla etcetera etceterraaa.. you seeeeee..."
But I reckon that every Australian knows the words to Waltzing Matilda..
and every Australian that I know embraces the Aussie idea of a Fair go.The Australians that I know range from Korean to Polish from Malaysian to Finnish.. They all are My Australians..
Not the Aussies that the politicians would have us believe are true.
not this bullshit political correctness that is crippling our society,
not this bullshit terrorist fear.
not this bullshit search for weapons of mass destruction..
not this not this bullshit, this isn't Australian at all.
fucking bullshit fear mongering..
I often wonder what those young men and women that heeded the call to arms to serve their king and country. I wonder what they would think about the Australia of the 21st century.
Would they feel proud?? Would we be suitable inheritors of their Australian dream?
Or would they feel sad that we are still squabbling.....
Anzac day to me is My holy day. My day of tears and pride. A day that I never actually feel is a real day.I always wake up feeling disjointed on Anzac day. I am always close to tears on Anzac day.. and I always end up getting spectacularly smashed on Anzac day.. I am signing off this Anzac day post .. with a shot of whiskey...
I am Australian I am fucking Smashed.. deal with it.. It is Anzac day,.,,
A day that makes me immensely proud and immeasurably sad. Who else but Australians and our mad cousins, the New Zealanders, would take a disastrous defeat, military insanity and completley chaotic ineptitude and turn it into A matter of Intense National pride. who else??
No one else thats who..Except possibly for the bloody Irish, because the Irish are fucking insane as well. The Irish whose blood runs thickly in my family and in a lot of Australian Families.
To celebrate the defeat and the senseless slaughter that was and is Gallipoli. Is truly an Australian thing.
To be proud of the fact that we are descended from convicts and from the detritus of English society is a truly Australian thing.
I think that as Australians we really like to say, Oh Get Fucked you Bastard.. which really translates to, It's your shout.. and lets put our hands in our pockets and are you right mate..
In secret squirrel language it means we want to help.. this is truly an Australian thing
Phrases like ..No Shit Sherlock.. Flat out like a lizard drinking. You bewdy , and *this is a knife* And never ever, ever! apologising for not knowing the words to our National Anthem.. this is truly an Australian thing.
"Australians all let us rejoice for we are young and free..
oh dum de dum dee do de dum oh something gird by sea...,,
blah blah blah balh balh bla bla etcetera etceterraaa.. you seeeeee..."
But I reckon that every Australian knows the words to Waltzing Matilda..
and every Australian that I know embraces the Aussie idea of a Fair go.The Australians that I know range from Korean to Polish from Malaysian to Finnish.. They all are My Australians..
Not the Aussies that the politicians would have us believe are true.
not this bullshit political correctness that is crippling our society,
not this bullshit terrorist fear.
not this bullshit search for weapons of mass destruction..
not this not this bullshit, this isn't Australian at all.
fucking bullshit fear mongering..
I often wonder what those young men and women that heeded the call to arms to serve their king and country. I wonder what they would think about the Australia of the 21st century.
Would they feel proud?? Would we be suitable inheritors of their Australian dream?
Or would they feel sad that we are still squabbling.....
Anzac day to me is My holy day. My day of tears and pride. A day that I never actually feel is a real day.I always wake up feeling disjointed on Anzac day. I am always close to tears on Anzac day.. and I always end up getting spectacularly smashed on Anzac day.. I am signing off this Anzac day post .. with a shot of whiskey...
I am Australian I am fucking Smashed.. deal with it.. It is Anzac day,.,,
Lest We Forget
Thursday, April 24, 2008
Shameful Destruction
One of the first things that I do in the morning is look outside and check out what sort of day it is going to be. I looked out the bathroom window this morning and my first thought was, "Gosh it's foggy.
Then I noticed that the sun was an orangey red and I knew that it wasn't fog but bloody smoke. Thick stinky smoke from yet another of Forestry Tasmanias regeneration burns..
See that smoky photo, this is what it looked like here at 7 am.. Bastards..

This photo shows what is happening.
(photo courtesy of
See that helicopter.. Napalm is being used to firebomb our forests. Richard Flanagan says it best here in an article he wrote for The Guardian...
Some days I am ashamed to be Tasmanian..
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Yet Another 'stolen meme' OOOOPS!!!!!I
This is a one word meme.. I totally stole this from Ree.. check her out She's HOT..
2.Your significant other? *chuckles*
3.Your hair? long
4.Your mother? sweet
5.Your father? dead
6.Your favorite thing? camera
7.Your dream last night? sexy
8.Your favorite drink? beer
9.Your dream/goal? studio
10.The room you’re in? sun
11.Your ex? forgotten
12.Your fear? stroke
13.Where do you want to be in 6 years? studio
14.Where were you last night? asleep
15.What you’re not? skinny
16.Muffins? toasted
17.One of your wish list items?studio
18.Where you grew up? suburbia
19.The last thing you did? typed
20.What are you wearing? clothes
21.Your TV?off
22.Your pets? inside
23.Your computer? necessary
24.Your life? mine
25.Your mood?happy
26.Missing someone? Dad
27.Your car?reliable
28.Something you’re not wearing? bra
29.Favorite Store? bookshop
30.Your summer? hot
31.Like someone? spouse
32.Your favorite color? purple
33.When is the last time you laughed? now
34.Last time you cried? yesterday
mmmm thanks Ree.. this was a lot harder than I thought.. cheers Kim xxx
Not as easy as you might think.
Remember: one word answers.
2.Your significant other? *chuckles*
3.Your hair? long
4.Your mother? sweet
5.Your father? dead
6.Your favorite thing? camera
7.Your dream last night? sexy
8.Your favorite drink? beer
9.Your dream/goal? studio
10.The room you’re in? sun
11.Your ex? forgotten
12.Your fear? stroke
13.Where do you want to be in 6 years? studio
14.Where were you last night? asleep
15.What you’re not? skinny
16.Muffins? toasted
17.One of your wish list items?studio
18.Where you grew up? suburbia
19.The last thing you did? typed
20.What are you wearing? clothes
21.Your TV?off
22.Your pets? inside
23.Your computer? necessary
24.Your life? mine
25.Your mood?happy
26.Missing someone? Dad
27.Your car?reliable
28.Something you’re not wearing? bra
29.Favorite Store? bookshop
30.Your summer? hot
31.Like someone? spouse
32.Your favorite color? purple
33.When is the last time you laughed? now
34.Last time you cried? yesterday
mmmm thanks Ree.. this was a lot harder than I thought.. cheers Kim xxx
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Strange.. Very Very Strange..
In February this year I wrote a post describing how global warming is to blame for my fat arse.. You can go and read it and then blame global warming for your fat bum too.. I will wait..
The spouse and I are keen anglers and as you might have gathered from previous posts of mine I am a bit of a greenie as well. I also notice stuff. Like the fact that it hasn't rained for ages. Umm like the fact that it is getting hotter. And And And that we are starting to catch strange species of fish in the river. Fish that are definitely 'Not Local Fish' *cue spooky music*
This is a juvenile Yellowtail Kingfish.. For goodness sakes! We caught this fish yesterday in the Derwent River .. WTF???? You don't normally catch these fish in the Derwent because it supposedly is a tad chilly for them. These extremely tasty fish like warmer waters and even though they can be found up the east coast around St Helens, we were totally gobsmacked to catch this little fellow down here. Of course we then tried flatstick to catch as many of this stray fishes siblings as we could... Sadly without any luck.. Maybe in a few years time these will be a common catch in our supposedly colder waters.. *Sighs*
The spouse and I are keen anglers and as you might have gathered from previous posts of mine I am a bit of a greenie as well. I also notice stuff. Like the fact that it hasn't rained for ages. Umm like the fact that it is getting hotter. And And And that we are starting to catch strange species of fish in the river. Fish that are definitely 'Not Local Fish' *cue spooky music*
This is a juvenile Yellowtail Kingfish.. For goodness sakes! We caught this fish yesterday in the Derwent River .. WTF???? You don't normally catch these fish in the Derwent because it supposedly is a tad chilly for them. These extremely tasty fish like warmer waters and even though they can be found up the east coast around St Helens, we were totally gobsmacked to catch this little fellow down here. Of course we then tried flatstick to catch as many of this stray fishes siblings as we could... Sadly without any luck.. Maybe in a few years time these will be a common catch in our supposedly colder waters.. *Sighs*
Sunday, April 20, 2008
Weekly Winners.. WooHoo!!!!
Weekly winners is the brainchild of the gorgeously talented Sarcastic Mom.. You really should do yourself a favour and go over and check her out..
cheers Kim xxx
Saturday, April 19, 2008
Scarily accurate..
What Your Sleeping Position Says |
![]() You are calm and rational person with a good deal of balance in your life. Friends consider you to be kind, caring, and truly loyal. You are easy going and trusting. However, you are too sensible to fall for mind games. Open to the world, you are not afraid to be yourself. If you don't get enough sleep, you are: Able to cope It's hard to sleep next to you because: You're a bed hog |
Favourite Photo friday (on Saturday)
Here are some of my favourite photos. Favourite Photo Friday
Friday, April 18, 2008
Mystery Object Revealed.. YAY!!!!!
Yep Julie was the one that picked correctly..
"I think it looks like some sort of lichen on rock, perhaps dead lichen since it's that lovely gray color."
Lichen it was indeed. But not dead Julie, nice silvery lichen happily growing away on a rock in the bush..
Once again some of the answers were just brilliant..
Lceel said...
Australia as seen from space.
Xbox4NappyRash said...Looks like Spencer to me.
Old Knudsen said...
Its melting snow from defrosting yer freezer now what did i win?
Hyphen Mama said...
Lichen on rock is taken? Darn. I was so going with that one. I hope Julie is correct.
thanks heaps everyone.. (Oh and Old knudsen It is all for the glory.. just the glory.)
cheers kim xx
Thursday, April 17, 2008
Mystery Object #3
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
The Flat Stanleys have come to visit..
We have some very special visitors staying with us at the moment. The flat Stanleys have arrived all the way from Missouri in the USA..
The Flat Stanleys have been very busy learning about Australian animals and are really enjoying their Tasmanian holiday.
We visited a wildlife park near our home and showed The Stanleys some wallabies, the wallabies were very interested in The Stanleys as well.
One wallaby was possibly a little too interested in The Stanleys.. and had a bit of a nibble,Ooops!
Phew! The Stanleys needed a rest in Amy's Pram after their close encounter, luckily there was no harm done.
We looked at different road signs. This sign is to warn motorists to slow down because wombats like to cross the road here..
If you would like to read more about the flat Stanley's, Tasmanian holiday you can visit Mrs C at homeschooling etc...
Cheers kim..
Sunday, April 13, 2008
Weekly Winners.. Yay!!!
Well without further ado (gosh I love that word) ado ado ado tra la laaa laaa
Here are my winners.. Do yourself a favour and go and check all the other Winners out at Lotus aka Sarcastic Mom woohoooo!!!!
cheers Kim xxx
Saturday, April 12, 2008
And the answer is....
A close up of the detail on a moth's wing.
Some of the answers were side-splittingly funny..

Your freshly skinned baby kangaroo fur jacket with koala bear collar?

I was really fascinated by the intricate patterns on this Moth. I can see myself using these patterns on a plate or maybe on a sculptural piece..
Thanks heaps for all your answers..
Cheers Kim xxx
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