Wednesday, October 17, 2007

My Potty Friend

My friend Robin, rang me up the other day to tell me about some wheels for sale as part of a deceased estate...By the end of the conversation, I was under the impression that Robin and I had decided that He would lend Me his wheel, which was currently gathering dust in his garage... and as I had decided to buy a new wheel some time in the murky year... ish.., this was a Good Plan...
a wishy washy plan but good nontheless...
Robin flew interstate to visit a new niece, and I didnt think about wheels at all.
until I opened an email titled NEW BABY, thinking it was pics of a bald infant I was only sort of looking...Until these amazing pics of my mad gorgeous silly extravagent friend emerged...Robin pretending to throw on the wheel
Robin caressing the wheel, Robin grinning and pointing at the wheel and Robin telling me that he had bought me the wheel.... god love him...xoxoxoxoxo


Veronica Foale said...

I think you should mention that it is a POTTERY wheel. Otherwise people would get strange ideas about you and grubby car parts lol.

frog ponds rock... said...

Hehehehehe, stranger ideas about my friend Robin too!