I have been really busy doing a whole lot, of not much at all.. In lieu of Easter eggs David had his hair coloured.. I like it. I would have posted a better pic but Dave is a typical teen and spent a lot of time making silly faces at the camera. Little does he know that I am not afraid to use the silly photos as leverage whenever I need to..* insert evil laugh.. muuawaaahahhaaa

We have had some much needed rain. Not a lot of rain but enough rain so that I don't have to buy a load of water just yet..*phew...

David stayed at
Veronica's last night and is staying there tonight as well..
Thanks Vonnie the cheque is in the mail..So today I played 'my music' and cooked all day.
Yummy slow cooked lamb casserole..
Fresh bread and bread rolls..

I took these pics after the spouse and I had sampled the rolls.. If Dave had been at home I would only have had photos of crumbs...
Thanks Vonnie the cheque really is in the mail *honest*...
My little car died yesterday.. I had gotten quite attached to my ancient little mazda. (even though I only owned it for 6 months) I really liked the fact that you only had to whisper the words petrol and wave an oily rag in its general direction...

Here is my new car...Yay!!!! shiny.. The newest car I have ever owned was an 88 magna.. This car was made in the .. drumroll please.... the gasp nineties.. Wow!!!!
My uncle has sold this shiny shiny car to me...
Thanks heaps!!!! The best thing about my new Mazda is that David can sit in it comfortably.. Yay..( he is 6 foot 3 and growing every day)