Lucky for Jesus, His mother was a saint. He made it to adulthood, albeit a brief one *sighs again*
I am so close to axe murdering my teenage son that it isn't funny. The only thing that is keeping my son firmly anchored to this life is the fact that," I AM AN OPTIMIST!!!" Things in Casa Rockyponds must get better.. or for Frogs sake I am going to run away and join the circus...
Last year I watched a docco on ABC and it was all about brain development. Apparently toddlers brains and teenagers brains are eeerily similar. *cue spooky music*.
I would never ever ask Miss Amy (toddler) to light the woodheater in the kitchen..
I did ask David (teenager) to light the woodheater in the kitchen..
We have had a run of very hot weather and I haven't needed to light the fire for a while, so there were a couple of things on top of the fire-box.. A watering can was one of them..
And this my dear friends is just the thin end of the wedge...
Veronica writes most beautifully about her little brother....
Actually she describes the teenage boy annoyability to a T....
Yours Frustratedly Kim ...xoxox
The boy did exactly as he was told and therein lies your problem. You should have said remove items from the top of the woodburner and then please light the fire. Hee Hee. Luckily it wasn't something that burst into flames........
Your David reminds me of my James who would pull the kettle to the front of our woodstove then go up to the lounge room and watch tv and forget about the coffee he'd wanted until we all came from other areas of the house wondering what that burning smell was. after replacing two kettles I bought a whistling one. Drove us all mad but at least the noise reminded him it was on the fire.
I am nodding my head in agreement here River as I read your comments.... (and giggling) too...
yours exhaustedly Kim hehehehehe
Oops! Ah well, at least he'll come out the other end a lovely human hope ;) BG x x x
He is some piece of work!!! Hehehe!
Unfortunately, he didn't light the fire between the ears before the more literal event. When my sons did 'stoopid stuff' of similar ilk, it usually resulted in my favorite phrase, descriptive of teenage boys - 'box of rocks' as in, 'Dumb as a ...'
look what joys i seem to have coming..
kinda scary.. really
So many males do similar things *sigh*.
So many males and so little vegie garden in which to hide their bodies lol ;)
Oh no! Hmmm...I wonder if my hubby has a teenage brain ;)
You are quite right about the brain development thing. It's just that it's not obvious, so you don't think of it until it's too late!
On the other hand, if you fuck up everything you are asked to do, chances are you won't be asked twice!
I hear ya babe. Too is exactly the same. Unless you specifically SAY take the freaking things off first she will not.
The funny thing is, he swears he didn't even see the (rather large) watering can.
Also, I will trade my toddler for your teenager. Least David sleeps.
and sleeps and sleeps and sleeps..
I was gonna say what Sandy C said...I don't think some teens grow out of it LOL!
Ok, I've got a plan.
Leave David and Amy in a playpen together and you and Veronica get some sleep.
Damn, ladies... you're both going to get fried brain cells raising these kids.
A girl's night out might be called for, dontcha think?
Aw, wow! I blogged about this sort of thing not too long ago happening with my son Patrick!
Thankfully no one was injured. How goes the fire situation there?
Life in Tassie - howzit going?
OH dear - a mere males winner. I haz one too and he would have done the same thing I imagine your David did.Heaven help me when I have two at the same time.
My Little Drummer boys
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