My initial reaction was for goodness sakes Veronica what on earth could I possibly contribute to a breastfeeding discussion.I haven't breastfed for years..But then of course the seed was planted...and the eternally bossy and demanding eldest child of mine has got her own way again *sigh*
I never wear a bra at home ..Ever.. My boobs are huge they are enormously massively ample.I can, if provoked use them as weapons of mass destruction.. A full blown Tittie smack from me is very similar to being body slammed by Hulk Hogan...
At a Tas Rally once I was so pissed off by the small titties and perfect bums vying for the crown of wet t-shirt princess that I stormed the stage, milk filled breasts in hand and squirted the compere with milk.. I loudly declared that these were proper TITS... and then squirted the whole front row of hairy biker type men for good luck... hehehehe I got a dozen cans of vodka udls for that ... And a huge round of applause when I loudly asserted that boobs were for babies
I was young.I was pissed. (mum was baby-sitting Veronica) I was militant. I was sick and tired of it being ok to flash your tits if it was for the pleasure of men,, but breastfeeding mums were being made to feed their babies in stinky public toilets..
Below is a copy of a post I wrote last year on myspace..

sometimes I feel so old....
Luckily for me feelings of 'being old' are only fleeting.. and often are feelings of
self pity..Or maybe just hangovers??? who knows...who cares?...
But thats not what this blog is about at all.. this is about BREASTS and more importantly BREASTFEEDING And being able to breast feed in public, when
your baby needs to feed....below is a copy of my daughters blog....
Saturday, September 29, 2007
The Great Booby Fest
Ok I was recently over at Her Bad Mother, who had a link to The League of Maternal Justice who had these cute little buttons for me to stick on my blog.
Well yes they are cute but they are also meaningful. There will be a virtual nurse in on October 10th at 10am, to protest against Facebook deleting pictures of breastfeeding babies, but leaving up photos of half naked girls and pro-anorexia profiles.
You can get a button for your blog here.
Join in, show your support and breastfeed, bottlefeed, or reminicse about it on October 10th at 10am.....
Now back to me..Kim ...I breastfed and was quite militant about being able to breastfeed in public... In the late eighties it was considered quite offensive
to whack the 'ol titty out in public and give the offspring a feed... never mind that
you could never see more than a centimetre of bare skin... and only ever get a glimpse of a milky nipple, before the offspring latched back on...gleefully hogging the aforementioned nipple...
It gave me the shits, that a prominent Hobart venue charged top dollar for a
'Los Vegas' type revue/musical/thingy.. with topless dancers wearing impossible
feathered headdresses, and not much more... and this was totally respectable..
yet a mother breastfeeding her child in public was viewed as disgusting...
and offensive...sigh...
So I was part of a breastfeeding protest 'feed in' with lots of mums coming together to feed their babes in public...
It saddens me that nearly twenty years later my daughter still suffers the same prejudices that I faced feeding her.. feeding my grandaughter...
Okay maybe Veronica was right.. maybe I do have something to contribute to a discussion on breastfeeding.. but next time ok.. I think that I have shared a bit too much information here already..
cheers Kim xxx
beaut post kimme..
i agree on the no bra thingy.. they suck..
new pic of miss maddison up too..
Fabulous stance you took by spraying the bikers. Keep giving em hell!
Wow, what a great way to protest! I couldn't agree more, I just don't understand why breast feeding is ever considered anything but normal. I suspect it's something to do with the b/s that masquerades as political correctness though, good luck with this
BG x x
Most people really aren't offended by breast feeding women - at all. At least, most MEN aren't. It's dried up old crones that cause all the trouble. They get their knickers in a twist and make life hell for everyone around them until things are the way THEY think they should be. The next time you see a protest AGAINST breast feeding, you just look and see if it isn't some flat-chested old bitty that's leading the charge.
You wild woman, you!
Great post Kim!
And you've got a point there!
By the way, I am a Kandinsky too!
Does that surprise you?
Kim, you rock!
I will admit to being shitted at the mothers who feel they have to get half undressed to feed their babies, but most women can feed their little ones, as you said, with a minimum of skin and NO ONE should be taking offense to this....... after all, it's what boobs are made for!
Oh mah gawd. I think I just found my next stalking victim er, I mean best friend. Found you via the carnival. My post is here.
Can't wait to see what you write next!
Ha! I LOVE the spraying the bikers, you are awesome!!!! that is still making me laugh. Glad you posted.
Love the biker milk spray story! You rock, Kim! :-)
I REALLY dunno what to say to that :-)
You're SO getting an interview.
wow and I thought that we had come a long way as a society in this department... guess not... i was made to feed in an airport bathroom once after the gate girl told me that there were absolutely no rooms in the terminal... not an office... not a lounge... not a damn storage closet... it was either terminal or toilet seat... now I wish that I had had the guts to flop it out on her desk right there and feed my hungry little one... thanks for being militant!
Spraying the bikers -- cracked me up!
OMG this is the funniest post I have read yet! I wish I had been there to see the milk spraying. That and see you titty-smack some asshole. Love it!
GO you (.)(.)
my (.) boggle at the very thought of you squirting those guys !
I rarely wear a bra at home either - but uh... my breasts are sadly VERY tiny now that I'm no longer breastfeeding. :(
BUT I breastfed my five children... IN PUBLIC, no matter the negative looks I got from passers by. It's not like I was flashing them, like you said, barely a centimeter of skin ever even showed. And I wasn't going to go sit on a nasty public toilet to feed my baby!! :)
Oh my gosh! CRACK ME UP! Spraying bikers with breast milk... that's the funniest thing I've heard, EVER!
Wooot, best post ever. And I think you're my favouritest radical ever. ;)
I often don't wear a bra at home.... just a tshirt. Hell, sometimes I don't wear anything at home.
My mum breastfed all seven of us, my aunt brestfed her babies and now my cousin breastfeeds her baby and when I have kids I'll breastfeed them.
Yay for boobs and yay for using them for what they were made!
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