It is Kelley's birthday today hip hip hooray.So I was wondering just what do you give to a friend that you have never met????
I decided that I really didn't want to send her cyber chocolate because even though the thought was nice Cyber- chokkie really isn't that satisfying..(no guilt you see)
So because it was too late to organise a stripper to go to the Indian restaurant.. I could do the next best thing... Happy Happy Birthday Kelley....

The third one! Yeah the third one!!!
I love a man in a mankini!
Bwaaaa haaaaa haaaaaa!!!
Thanks babe for the birthday wishes
Now that I feel totally inadequate, I just want to say that the third guy - that's just WRONG!
jeeezzzz!!! I want to comment on the pictures and I can't see them anymore! yeeehaaa, I know it's not MY birthday, but thanks anyway!!!!
What a great series of posts! fabulous photos and nice men! and I'm so with you about breat feeding - fed daughter until she was almost2 (and I was 6 months pregnant with son) and son until 2 and 1/2 - loved breast feeding - and no it wasn't easy to start with, especially as daughter was prem and I had to express and so on - but totally worth it -and I fed any and everywhere - even sat on the floor in Target! So yay! you!
happy birthday Kelley..
what a wonderful idea for a pressie.. hehe..
I'm smiling! Now what will I have for breakfast. *giggles*
Can you get eye candy in a box?
Bahahahaha... did that sound wrong?
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