The new house is on tank water, which means that all the water into the house comes from an above-ground rain water tank. To get the water into the house you need an electric pump. (this is a picture of ours)These pumps are pretty noisy so they are usually outside next to the tank.
Vonnie and Nathans pump was in the bathroom cupboard under the sink... mmm a very strange place for a pump... and it wasn't working *sigh* The water that was coming out of the taps was just a trickle.
Today the Spouse and our friend poppy Stan fixed the water pump.. It is still in the bathroom, it is still very noisy but it is working... Yay.... and the water is gushing out of the taps WooHooo!!!
Nathan and poppy Stan put the ridgecapping onto the shed roof, so now the shed is waterproof, (well from the top at least..)
I don't really want to write too much about Vonnie and Natty's new home because It is Veronica's story to tell and also cause Vonnie is a much better writer than me..
But I can tell you that in todays market it was a good buy. The soil looks like it is good fertile sandy loam.My green fingers are itching to play in that soil.. We think there might be a spring at the far corner of the block.I also think that there still might be one or two fruit trees in pots in my late grandfather's garden, that we can plant this winter.The possibilities are endless....
I am really proud of the two of them.. Veronica and Nathan are full of plans and I think that the both of them are walking a bit taller...
Yours excitedly Kim xxx
That is VERY exciting news! I'm sure Veronica won't mind you sharing a few tidbits...we all miss her. Yay for home handymen and sleeping children! Now, if only those yellow booties kick in...
I'm eagerly waiting on pictures of Veronica's yard now, next year, the year after. I love watching a developing garden.
How exciting, and great the water is working properly now! BG x
So nice to hear of something of Veronica's new place. I'm glad to hear that Amy seems to have adjusted 'on the fly', so to speak. That's the sign of a secure child. And that's good.
Keep us updated.
thanks so much for updating us Kim, it's great to hear everything's fitting into place for them!
Thanks for the update. She must be jonesing for internet about now, even though moving is very time consuming and labour intensive.
three cheers for Veronica and Nathan..
i hope everything works out really well for them.. :)
what a lovely post..
Yay! So exciting and fun and wonderful! I love handy spouses.
We are also on tank water and when we moved up here I found the sound of the water pump SO LOUD. Ours is right outside our kitchen window, up next to the house... but you get used to it. Now two years on I barely hear it!
Sounds like some exciting housey adventures in the works!
Thanks for the update!
Lordy, I would be walking tall if I was in my very own home at 19years of age. That girl of yours is amazing! (No wonder, she has a fantastic Mum).
You are a very proud mum - the apple doesn't fall far from the tree ! You are a good writer too.
Yay on the pump being fixed and them all settling in.
Who says you can't write? I think you write pretty darn fine. Don't you just love my murder of the English language? *sniggers*
Thanks for giving us the update on Veronica's move. I'm sure I'm only one of many who are itching to hear how they are settling in.
Hope Miss Amy loves her new room so much she stays put in bed at night.
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