cue: -*Excited jumping up and down*.The first one, the true blue award was kindly given to me by Maddy from Whitterer on Autism. Maddy seems to think that I deserve this award simply for my ability to annoy the nuns when I was held captive.. oops I meant when I was at school... If you haven't read either of Maddy's blogs I urge you to go and do so... Whitterer on Autism is simply superb.. and Alien in a foreign field needs a giggle warning...

Jientje from Heaven in Belgium takes the most AWESOME photographs.. The amazing thing is that Jientje has only recently started to blog in English.. Jientje's
blog is a really nice place to visit... Thankyou heaps Jientje ...And again do yourself a favour go and check out Jientje's Photography...
I would like to pass the True Blue Award onto Julie at Causes Rats in Laboratory Cancer.. what that woman can do with 'Tatos really needs to be seen to be believed. Oh and you probably don't want to be drinking anything whilst you are reading her tuesday tato head post. :)
I want to give the 'You Make My Day Award' to Tiff from Three Ring Circus .
Cause Tiff is an amazing Mum and Woman and I heart Tiff....
I have heaps of other people that I want to pass these awards on to as well.. But I have run out of time.. the spouse is huffing and looking pointedly in my direction and the sky is an enticing orangey pink colour.. cheers kim xxxx
I honestly don't know what to say. Thank you. From the very bottom of my heart. You are helping me through a really rough time at the moment and I don't know what I've done to deserve such a lovely blogfriend like you. i <3 u 2
Wonderful awards.
Good on you :)
Just found your blog and am enjoying it a lot :)
Congratulations on your awards!!
Congratulations!! Great award - love the blog (Have heard little about the laundry recently......)
Wow. Thanks, Kim! It is really wonderful to find that not only to people read my stuff, they actually like my humor!
I suddenly realized I have six! BlogBlings that I have not passed along, so I know what my post today will be about...
grats on the awards
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