You couldn't be more right about throwing out the scales - I'd be happy to fit into all my clothes again and I don't need scales to achieve that.
It's funny you know, my blog was originally a weight-loss one...and everyone on my friends list were weight-loss bloggers...and now I think I read 1 or 2 weight loss blogs out of the dozens I read.
There's far too many any things to spend my time on than thinking about weight loss!
My friend's gorgeous daughter, B, has been chosen from a set of applicants to go to Japan this year. She is only 13 so it is an amazing thing for her. She has until August to fundraise $1600 for her airfares and a little bit more for spending money (for meals etc)
Love the face!
Love the one boot!
That'll be coming out at the 21st! What a classic
lol love his face..poor thing she lost her pink boots..;)
Mine is here take a peak if you have time..;) Happy WW!
heheheh Tiff I thought you would like that....
It is a classic eh Trace.. she was lovely and smiley one minute.. Grumpy the next.. lmao
Liza.. I will be straight over.. thanks kim xxx
Oh man, look at her face!
Oh my gosh! Just look at that scowl. She's saying Where's my boot? I want my boot! Who took my boot! So cute.
hehehehe It is a great shot Veronica.. hehehe ...
Yep River That is it I .. but then I gave her a peach and she was much happier...
aww.. cute
Really cute. Happy WW!
Oh, that really is wordless!!
You couldn't be more right about throwing out the scales - I'd be happy to fit into all my clothes again and I don't need scales to achieve that.
It's funny you know, my blog was originally a weight-loss one...and everyone on my friends list were weight-loss bloggers...and now I think I read 1 or 2 weight loss blogs out of the dozens I read.
There's far too many any things to spend my time on than thinking about weight loss!
What an expression! Too cute!
That one ought to be fodder for a caption contest. It is too, too cute!
I'd be grumpy too if I lost a pink wellie. :-)
cute little face!! hehe
thank you so much for helping me out on the bulbs!!!
adorable...what a face!!
That is one very cranky girl you have there...very cute photo!
Too cute! Please leave your story behind this one at
Her face is too much!!!
Ahaha, that face is AWESOME!
One pink wellie and a grumpy face!!! Priceless!
Oh, how adorable - where's that other boot? What a cute picture Kim. Have a good day. Kellan
Adorable - where is that other boot?
Ha! What an expression!
what a wee grump lump! :)
If I only had ONE cute, stlyin' pink boot, I'd pout too.
Taz.. grumpy-cute hehehe I am a mean nanny lol..
Thanks shabeem..
I am pleased for you Cat.. Don't stress..
Hi shannon *waves*
You know Lou I was thinking that myself.. hehehehe..
ewe are here... I love your name..hehehehehe
No problems Sarah anytime you have a gardening question I will help out .. No probs at all...
thevasquez3: thanks :)
She was a much nicer toddler once I gave her the peach and stopped messing about taking photos..heheheh cheers julie..
Ok quietmom once I have finished here I will nip over to your site and have a look :)
Thanks Lotus (((hugs)))
priceless indeed jientje :)
I always have a good day kellan hehehehe well mostly good lol
the other boot t.r. is at the bottom of the steps, just out of the shot..
It is a classic, Seabird. A classic..
Aha the glaswegian royals have come to Tassie for a wee look.. hehehehe
hiya Princess...
Me too! Sniz me too!!!
cheers kim and thanks for the comments.. *waves*
That's quite the facial expression...where did her little boot go? Great picture!
Hi Robyn *waves*.. the boot is just out of shot at the bottom of the steps.. cheers Kim :)
Great pic :)
Reminds me of the nursery rhyme " diddle diddle dumpling my son John, went to bed with his trousers on, one shoe off and one shoe on" ;)
What a fabulous image Kim - funny how the child grows up, but their ability to pout remains with least it has with my 15yo :)
Not happy - hey oh poor Amy !She has the sweetest sad face.
heheheh Jayne, I had forgotten that nursery rhyme..
Tex's missus..and they just make bigger and bigger messes as well..
She was so funny Trish, I took at least a dozen shots but this was the only grumpy one.. I am wondering what she is thinking..
cheers Kim xxx
Sooo cute with the pink boot!
i still get a smirk from this pic..
she just looks so cute..
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