Tuesday, January 29, 2008


Psssst. I hear that there is a madness happening within the blogosphere...People are actually giving away stuff.." gasp" For FREE.. Yes that is right,, FOR FREE.. People are giving things away..

My daughter Veronica.. She of the many Sleepless Nights.. Told me that I had to give away something as well.. So I will!!! Just to stop her Nagging me.. Umm So how about I make you a Ceramic platter.. suitable for putting cheese and biscuits and stuff on.. A one off Original 'frogpondsrock' handmade ceramic platter..Made by me??? What do you reckon? Would you like that? Would you? Would you? Or if you don't umm you are obviously on the wrong page :)

So to Enter... All you have to do is leave a comment here on my blog telling me your two favourite colours.. and I will use these two colours when I glaze the platter.. how easy is that..WOW I wish that I had thought of this myself.. I will use a random number generator thingy to draw the prize as well..

cheers Kim xxx

Updated..# I have been totally overwhelmed by the response to this... Yay thanks heaps... so I have posted some photos of my work if you are interested.. click here :)
cheers kim xxx


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Veronica Foale said...

Hmmmm, lets see, my favourite colours are blue and purple, but because I have seen your work, I would love a green and blue platter. To make up for the ones I haven't received yet.

Robin said...

I would love a blue and tan platter. It would go perfectly in my house.

Anonymous said...

purple and green.. :)

Katy said...

oh, how fabulous! I would love a red and white or blue and white! :) thank you!

Anonymous said...

oooo more competitions!!

Hmmmm, blue and yellow are my favs, but I'd be happy with whatever you thought worked best. :)

Jean said...

Blue and White would go great with my other dishes. What a great prize.

GreenStyleMom said...

I like reds and neutrals, but you are the artist, so I trust you!

OhhMy Gifts & Things said...

How about orange and brown? This is a wonderful giveaway! Karen

Coach Paulette said...

Oh wow, this is a wonderful giveaway! Two favorite colors would be a deep brick red and tan - thanks for the chance to win!

Anonymous said...

Green and creme/tan would be great!

Melissa said...

What a great giveaway. If I win- you can pick to the 2 colors!

Melissa said...

I would love a new platter! My kitchen is yellow, green, and pink so any combo of those colors would be great. Thanks!

BenefitScroungingScum said...

Oh my, what a lovely idea! I never win anything, but my favourite colours are pink and purple (such a girlie girl!)
BG x x

Anonymous said...

My favorite colors are red and white. The platter sounds great. (jafarhie@yahoo.com)

Gettysburg Mom said...

what a generous giveaway! i love any combination of cooler colors: blue, green and purple. Thanks for a chance!

Geri said...

Great giveaway!!! Thanks for the fun!

blue and cream

Anonymous said...

Yellow and green. Great giveaway. Thank you for the chance to win.


Unknown said...

Very cool giveaway, I would love to enter. My color choices would be maroon and black. Thank you.

Anonymous said...

I love hand made things. I'm taking Veronica's advice. Maybe you should pick her. After all, I won't be at family functions peeved because a stranger got something I have coveted from Mom.

Anonymous said...

I love homemade items!!! They make great conversation pieces!!!
My colors would be... Deep blue, mustard yellow, cranberry red... U get the idea!!! Please enter moi!

60 toes said...

I think red as the main color wold be nice. I trust you as the artist

Hannah said...

i like your sense of humour on your blog..fun to read...i don't have "favorite" colors but I like the blue/brown combo is that really popular right now..have a great day!

momofmhasr said...

My favorite colour is blue, but my litchen is creamy yellow and moss green.

Lauren @ mostly i run said...

Ooh, sounds wonderful!
My kitchen cabinets are deep red, so that would be a good accent color. With whatever else works ...

Anonymous said...

I got to reading your blog and forgot to post a comment here. LOL! I would love a blue & green platter.

Mrs. C said...

What a great idea - and personalized too!

I think I would pick blues and browns because that would go with my kitchen!

Thank you for including me in your giveaway!

Rebecca said...

My favorite colors are brown and pale blue!!! :)
rebeccagillespie at gmail.com

Anonymous said...

Yellow and blue for Down syndrome awareness please....This is so cute!

mattie said...

Oh this is too cool!!! I'm thinking cinnamon and mustard yellow...am I hungry??? thank you! mengels[at]hotmail[dot]com

Nick, Megan, Chelsea and Tenlee said...

Great idea!! I'd love a brown and light blue...can't wait to see what you come up with. You'll post what you design on here for us all to see, right??

ikkinlala said...

What a great giveaway! My favourite colours are blue and green.

CrystalGB said...

Purple and blue are my favorites.

ali said...

i like green and yellow.

Tia said...

my favourite colours are blue and green

Anonymous said...

Thank you for the very generous giveaway. Please enter me! If I won I would love pale blue and tan. It would match my house beautifully. Thanks so much!


Vee said...

I have been looking for a black with a little white platter to use on a display wall! yea!!!

Sweetpeas said...

Hmm, my favorite color is green and my husband's is blue, so that'd be a good combo right?

you da mom! said...

my two fav. colors are: pink and white. thanks!

Techchick said...

What a wonderful idea! I would, would, would love to have a homemade platter. I think I would like a pale turquoise and black. Sounds lovely! Thank you.

Anonymous said...

I "reckon" that would be so very generous of you! Red and Cream would be perfect for my kitchen! I absolutely love handmade things! Thanks for such a GREAT giveaway!

Wendy said...

I love deep reds and blues.

peg42 said...

Thanks so much for offering this giveaway. I love greens and yellows. Please enter me. Thank you

Sharon said...

My favorite colors are blue/silver. But if I were to win I would reqest black and red to coordinate with my kitchen.

Anonymous said...

My favorite colors are Pink and Turquoise! please enter me into this lovely giveaway! Come by and visit me soemtime there is always something being made on my blog!

Kristen M. said...

My favorite color is green. (I love "nature inspired" colors: greens, blues (ocean), yellows (sand), etc)

peaches said...

WOW, you are generous! My favorite colors are blue and white!

Liz said...

What about a pink and yellow? Or anything that would match a collection of teacups...

Jeni said...

Blue and purple! Thanks!

Lisa Lou Hoo said...

Oooh, I am drooling over this one! I collect handmade pottery and even took a few classes. I would love to have a piece of yours! My favorite colors are green and cream. Thank you for the chance to win!

Anonymous said...

I love orange and green. And I don't know anything about pottery or blogging, but I am going to learn a few things by looking at your blog since you added me as a friend over on blog365 and you look like someone I should know!

Happy Tuesday!!

Anonymous said...

I like blue an purple the most.

Count me in please.

Thanks for the giveaway!

Stop by my place to win a bath set & candles or one of two copies of a book I'm giving away. Don't miss the daily edition of contests galore that I post on my blog.

Laura @ Laura Williams' Musings

email is in my profile or you can use the contact form on my blog

Jientje said...

This is not happening, they are worse than people from Holland here!!!
I don't think you'll consider shipping anything to Belgium, so I will not dream about it ...

TinkingBell said...

turquoise and green - or blue and green or red and yellow - Love everything except brown!

The Chatty Housewife said...

I love green and brown or turquoise! i can't wait to see the finished product!


Tabitha said...

My favorite colors are blue and brown, but my kitchen is white and navy...so that might match better. Thanks for doing this!

Chelsea said...

awesome! chocolate brown and light blue or light green. Such a great combination! can't wait to see what you whip up for one lucky person!

HeatherB said...

Great, original prize! I love contests. Favorite colors for a platter would be blue and green.

LadySnow said...

For my home I like blues and whites...snow type things

karmama said...

I love orange and red!

bren j. said...

Cool prize! Hm..blue and green? Brown and white? Orange and red....surprise me?

Lindsey said...

brown and red? Brown and tan? brown and green?

You pick.

Carrie said...

A new handmade platter, how cool! My favorite colors are dark red and dark green. Warm colors!!

Anonymous said...

Wow, with 60 comments, there's no way I'll win, but I can hope. I LOVE handmade things! A lady at our church is an artist that makes the most unique, beautiful handcarved figurines and she gave us a handmade platter and matching bowl for our wedding that is still one of my favorite things. My favorite colors are green and brown.

Unknown said...

count me please ;)
crazyaboutgus (at) gmail (dot) com

Texasholly said...

Red and yellow (which I hope will create a little orange in between) so I can get all 3 of my favorites in...too greedy?

Anonymous said...

Please enter me for your giveaway!
It sounds great! PINK!!

C said...

Blue and green!

Thanks Kim, it's really generous of you to offer this chance to your readers :)

Leigh of Tales from Bloggeritaville said...

brown and turquoise
sweet!Hope I win!

Alaina said...

Wow! What a great giveaway! My current favorite decorating colors are blue and brown. My all time favorite color is green. :)

Jennifer (mom of four) said...

What a great giveaway! My favorite colors are Red and brown.

I have two giveaways going on so come by and visit.



cyndi said...

black and white they go with everything!

Our Home Schooler and Jen said...

enter me up please!!


Team Zachary said...

Tough call - either black and white, or pink and green! I just had a girl, so I'm all about girly colors these days :-)

Thanks for offering this awesome opportunity for the giveaway! You are very generous! Good luck to all!

Re said...

GREAT giveaway! I really want to win. :) My favorite colors are sea blue and tan/cream

Pheobie said...

Love greens and browns. What a great idea!

Anonymous said...

I love blue, and green... but I like browns too! So any of those three would be fabulous.

Anonymous said...

I like yellow and red!


ahiltz said...

How exciting! My color choice would be soft yellow and pink, if possible! Thank you so much for doing this!


Little Piddles said...

I'll pick blue and brown (or tan whichever would look best) so it'll go with my kitchen:)

Tex's Missus said...

Purple and Blue for me :) Good luck to everyone....I'm just off to check out how I get myself involved - thanks Kim :)

HilLesha O'Nan said...

I love green and purple. Thanks for the giveaway :)

Anonymous said...

I NEED that platter. What's more, I am prepared to SWIM to Tasmania to get it! Something handmade...something adorable...soemthing that could become a family heirloom...mmmmmm

Oh, and how do I get 81 people to look at my website, LET ALONE LEAVE A FREAKING COMMENT????? :)

Anonymous said...

I'd love a platter in grey and green or navy. Count me in, please!

rookiem at live dot com

River said...

TWO favourite colours?? I have to pick only TWO out of the many colours I love? Oh okay.........let's see.......burgundy and forest green. No wait....cream and gold. Or, hang on, butter yellow with cobalt blue. Dang it all, I can't choose. You choose. If it helps at all I have a kitchen cabinet painted in lemon cheesecake yellow with strawberry pink door frames on top, aqua doors in the middle, lavender doors at the bottom and all the drawers are sky blue. sounds odd, but looks great.

LAC said...

I love brown and blue!

Great blog, found through WW posts.

Have a great day.

Shannon said...

To go along with my decor...I would have to say that a hunter green and deep cream platter would be perfect :)

Great giveaway! You must be very talented!

Jennifer Hannan said...

I'm so glad that one of my favorites colors is back in style. I love teal, or aqua, or any thing in that family. So... to go with the teal... my second favorite colors are pink and brown. Brown is sooo awesome!!

paryjeja said...

brown and orange would be neat!

Amy said...

hunter green and ivory.

jayedee said...

deep greens and blues are the colors i choose...
great giveaway! please throw my name into the hat too! good luck everyone!

Jenny said...

Great giveaway! Ilove red & black.

maggie said...

Great giveaway. I'd like yellow and green, please.

Britni said...

I really like black and red or brown and tan... two good combinations. Thanks!

Lotus (Sarcastic Mom) said...

Sounds awesome!

My favs are green and blue. :-)

You're one talented lady - ceramics and you know how to make cheese! :-)

Anonymous said...

What a marvelous giveaway! I love handmade, and I love pottery. I like the combincation of blue and cream. :) Thanks for giving me a chance to be a winner! :)

Debbie#3 said...

I love deep blue and white - thanks for the giveaway!

Dotty said...

I love handmade pottery... Hmmm - my favourite colour is purple. You can pick the other colour.

Melanie said...

Two colors? Probably Barn Red and Cream, or Navy blue and Cream! Love those combos!

Ames said...

Hmmm... I do love a nice country blue and cream for my kitchen... :)

Bree said...

I'd love red and white! Thanks!

Anonymous said...

My favorite colors are yellow and green. That would be a pretty platter! monk5@charter.net

charmed said...

pink and tan.... love pink and tan. What a great giveaway! Please enter me, arogers(at)gmail(dot)com

Snowbird said...

I would love a red and black platter. What a great giveaway. Sign me up.

dawn224 said...

me me - and for this i will say red and yellow...

Deborah in Atlanta said...

Rose and aqua. So calming to me. dmj53(at)hotmail(dot)com

Valerie said...

pink and green!

Cindy-Still His Girl said...

What a wonderful giveaway! I hope you'll post the finished product. :)
I would SO love to win this... I love handmade things. I'd love a deep red and yellow.

Sarah Rose said...

I love robin egg blue and brown!

Mommy said...

Please enter me! I like sage, burgandy, and cream. I know those are three colors, but those are the colors of my kitchen.;-) Thank you for giving away such a nice prize. :)

Anonymous said...

blue and green! please enter me ernestsgirl82@yahoo.com

Anonymous said...

purple & green

Blessed Beyond a doubt.... said...

red and brown

Thanks for the chance to win such a neat prize.

Teri said...

I love the combination of pink and brown together! I hope i win! It sounds gorgeous!

Holly said...

pale green and cream would be lovely... =D

Anonymous said...

Red and brown are my current favorites!

Superdumb Supervillain said...

green is my favorite color but I would leave it to you!

Becca said...

I love blue and white but I'm partial to red as well. I'm so impressed!

Bebemiqui said...

I love blue & yellow. Great giveaway! Count me in.

Giabella Designs said...

black and white would look so elegant!

Kyra said...

Black & White, Blue and Silver, I just love color, you could surprise me!

Sahm Lee said...

Green and brown are my two favorite colors. I'm an earthy child!

Marcia said...

I love royal blue and black.

Marilyn B said...

Woo Hoo! Count me in please :) I love entertaining so I am always looking for different serving platters ...My favorite colors would be red & white.

Qtpies7 said...

My dining room is burghundy and white.
I would love to see some that you have made, it is so fun to see what people create.

picklemommy said...

Oh boy oh boy! Green and blue, green and yellow? I can't decide, so I'll let you- thanks!

Kim said...

Blue and yellow - DEFINITELY!!!

Natalie said...

I love blue and green. Great giveaway.

Nancy Sabina said...

I would love a green and yellow platter. I'd make it the center piece of my new fancy dining room.

Sarah said...

wow, you are very generous, a red white and blue platter would match my kitchen

Amber said...

My favorite colors are lavender and white. Thanks for the giveaway & please enter me!

Anonymous said...

Lavender and yellow would be gorgeous!

Thank you so much!

art and nature [at] juno *dot* com

Anonymous said...

This is totally my favorite giveaway of the entire carnival!!! I'm not kidding! I really, really hope I win!!

I would like a platter with light purple and dark purple.

emilycontestemail at gmail dot com

mommyofmany said...

Ooo-o-o... How fun!

My favorite color is periwinkle blue. What goes with that??? White? A light sage green???

Thanks for the giveaway!

meddlingkidd said...

What a great giveaway! My two favorite colors are Purple and white.


Kristan said...

Uhm...Raspberry and Dark Chocolate!! The best colors ever!

Anonymous said...

My FAVORITE color is turquoise. I like pink too - any shade of pink goes with turquoise. What a fun giveaway - the handmade stuff is few and far between, so surely the most coveted (or at least appreciated by the likes of me =)

wiredwilsons AT gmail DOT com

Petra said...

blue and brown


green and brown


blue and white

*surprise me if I win* :)

Anonymous said...

What a generous blog! Thanks for stopping my giveaway too. My favorite color is a good deep blue, royal blue style, and whatever other color you think would look lovely with it. You know better than I how the glazes turn out and blend together. I have always wanted to learn pottery myself, but never had the opportunity. Love the name of your town by the way.

♥.Trish.♥ Drumboys said...

Oh Kim -that sounds divine - mine is blue and bluer or anything blues.
I have always liked pottery - we did stop at a lot of potters galleries on our Tassie Trip.

Suz said...

I love black and pink, but I'm not sure how those would turn out together.


Jessica said...

red and white! : )

the fruitfemme said...

141 Comments! Frog Ponds, you're amazing! Of course, I only see all those comments as competition in this case. . . Green & Blue would be lovely!

Anonymous said...

I would love a blue and brown one.
Dyani19 at aol dot com

you da mom! said...

i checked out the link to your work and it all looks beautiful. i would love anything in earth tones or robin blue. thanks!

Billie said...

Oh so many colors to choose from. I love the green and blue sea like look...but anything you love is great too!

Kellie said...

My favorite colors are red and pink but whatever you make is beautiful.

Seth and Mary said...

green and brown:)

Genevieve P said...

I love blue and green--or red and a really warm yellow! Great giveaway! : )

Chaotic Joy said...

Blue & Brown puleeze. Lovely stuff.

Anonymous said...

My whole house is blue, green, and brown - so any combination of those would work for me. You do beautiful work!


Anonymous said...

My two favorite colors are Lime green and turquoise...thanks for the chance to win!

Christine - Tutorial Addict :) said...

You work is beautiful! I love the seashells. My two fav colors are green and brown! Thanks for entering me!

Chantelle said...

i love all colors. red, yellow, orange, green, turquoise, and esp blue!

Katie said...

would love something with blue and brown. Please enter me . katie_mmartin [at] yahoo (dot) com

Angela said...

I love blue, greens, browns!

Holladay Family said...

I love the colors dark blue and robins blue. I love beach colors-like soft blues and grays. I am having a girl soon and now love pink and lavender. Anything would make day! Thank you for you having such a generous giveaway! I would LOVE to win this ceramic platter!

My email is holladayfam(at)gmail(dot)com.
(Please email me if I win!)
Thanks again!

Debbie said...

Wow! I would love to have one of your platters. How generous!

Any bright color would be fabulous.

Annette said...

yes please, thank you. :)
oh...mousegirls (at) gmail (dot) com

Michelle@Life with Three said...

Wow -- you do beautiful work! Thanks for the chance to win. My favorite two colors would probably be turquoise and brown. mlciavola(at)yahoo(dot)com.

noreen said...


Chastity said...

My favorite colors are pink and red! Thanks!!


Ginny said...

I really can't decide on a color. My favorite is yellow, not sure how that would look on a platter. If I win, maybe you can help guide me! Fab work, I wish I could do that.

Hélène said...

Forest green and bright blue.

Rebecca said...

How fun! What perfect timing, I FINALLY decided on colors for my kitchen - green & orange. Not bright, but not dark, medium tones I guess. Think pumpkin & artichoke - at least the artichoke from the apron my sister made me. Of course, everything doesn't have to be matchy matchy. Hope I win! Thanks!

Anonymous said...

Ohh, for my dinner table, green and tan...Thanks!!

stbaisch AT yahoo.com

MamaGames - Alexa C. said...

I would like many shades of blue - or if that isn't enough color, blue with a little green. I'm all about blue! Thanks for a great contest, I love the pictures of your work.

osugrad said...

I would like a dark purple blue and orange melon color or whichever combo you think would be beautiful. You are a very talented artist. What a prize!

Anonymous said...

Deep red and goldenrod. (Goldenrod isn't exactly a favorite color, but wouldn't be lovely with a rich red?)

Michelle Olsen Sasak said...

I love black and navy blue. Your work is beautiful by the way. I’d love to be entered.

If you haven’t already entered my giveaway, I’m giving away two prizes: craft books & decorating books at my blog



Christi S said...

I'd love an orange and red one! How fantastic is this offer! Thanks for sharing!

Tisa said...

My favorite two colors would be purple and green! ~ :) Thanks!

tlcfromtn said...

I like the southwestern type colors. Thanks for the giveaway!

Tes283 said...

My favorite are violet and forest green. Thank you for a choice. It is nice to have things made to order.

Karen said...

I like Navy Blue and White, but the Cream/Natural colors are beautiful as well. Thank you!

kpuleski at gmail dot com

Marsha said...

I'd love Blue and Green Platter. Thanks!

Jenna Z said...

I love red and yellow! Sunshine colors!

Jenna Z said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Beautiful work. I would love the chance to win a platter. I would pick green and cream colors. Thanks.

Unknown said...

I would choose yellow and green. Beautiful work!!!

Andrea said...

Red and tan. No, brown and green. No Purple and yellow. I can't decide!

Angela said...

lime green and turquoise.

There I made up my mind.

Huse Yo Mama said...

For some reason I've been stuck on pink and brown. What a terrific giveaway!

T'aowyn said...

I really love the brown and teal combo that is so popular now.

taowyn (at) gmail (dot) com

Robin said...

Pink and brown. =)

Jennifer/The Word Cellar said...

I love greyish-blue and cream together. What a great giveaway!

Anonymous said...

hmmm, I would love greens and blues or green and neutral.

This is a fantastic idea Kim and very generous.

Christine said...

My favorite colors are yellow and green. What a cool prize. Thanks

Jhianna said...

Rust red (maroon, something like that) and gold would match my dining room. Great giveaway!

Kathie said...

love the color blue and all of its shades and hues. count me in please

Mer said...

What a fantastic prize! I'd love one in dark green and cream.

Lisa Garner said...

Beautiful! I would be thrilled to win! My favorite colors are blue and yellow. Thanks for hosting this great contest!

Lora @ my blessed life said...

I love blue & white! I hope I win! Thanks for entering me:)

Paisley said...

Thank you for the wonderful giveaway! My favorite colors would be yellow and red!

Keryn said...

Sage and cream. How exciting!

Britt said...

A platter would be wonderful!! Chocolate brown and cream colors are my fave!

Anonymous said...

I love the black and red!

Thanks for the chance to win!


Angela said...

I love blue and white together

Unknown said...

Thank-you for your generosity! Please include me!


Summer said...

pink and green :) :)

Carole Burant said...

Red & White:-) What a fabulous giveaway!! Please enter my name in your draw:-) Thank you!

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