Veronica from sleepless nights gave me these flowers the other day.. Thanks Sweetheart.. All Veronica asked in return was that when I gave these lovely flowers away that they be linked back to her so she can follow their progress through the blogosphere.. Too easy honey!!
I have been invaded by my Sil.. Ooops I mean my Sil is staying here .. Nah Fuck it this is a full scale fuckin home invasion and I am not coping very well.. Luckily I am off the grog at the moment or things could be worse.. much much worse.. mutter mutter mutter...
I could waste my time and yours and by having a really big whinge about how everytime I get on MY computer to write, someone is reading over my shoulder or lurking nearby and I feel that my head is about to explode... Or! Or! Or!.......
I could just give away some flowers and tell you all Thank You!!!!
Thanks for making me smile with you or cry with you. Laugh at and laugh with you. Just Thankyou for being there..
So please Take these flowers with my heartfelt thanks..
Cheers Kimxxx
*p.s These flowers are for everyone!! please just grab them!!
Thank you for visiting me and the flowers are gorgeous. As you are off the grog that i brought in return i will happily drink it for you!!
Excellent Casdok.. hehehe cheers
I am only 'off the grog ' for a month though xxx
flowers are always good.... did you know Elton John "queen" of the flowers ... spent about £1.2 million a year on them??!
odd but true!!
"Vol 2"...
Oh family. Oh fun.
I haven't heard that phrase since Cookie and Bob were hanging out with Isme Watson!
Thanks for the flowers and congrats on receiving them yourself. I hope you find some space from your SIL and that you have a good weekend. Take care. Kellan
Family are fun. Other people's family are even more fun, aren't they? Geez.
I tagged you -- only if you feel like it, though, no pressure -- for the meme about the first letter of your name. I had to do "J" and tasina told me "juniper" is not a color. K should be lots of fun as well...It's on my blog if you are interested. If not, eh, chain letters are really not my thing, either, so no worries!
Unlucky you - I love my SIL but know all about relatives you really would prefer were esewhere! good luck keeping off the grog - family always drives me to drink!
Gledwood: hello *waves madly* Go Elton!!! that's a lot of flowers..bet none of his flowers are as nice as vonnies though..hehehe
Dawn: Yep, fun fun fun..
Xbox:Ha!!! Finally someone who admits to watching A Country Practice..
Kellan: Thanks I hope you enjoy them..You have a great weekend too.
Julie: Thanks for the meme *sigh* hehehe... I am having a hard time writing at the mo, So I think it is time that I did all these memes..
At least you have a structure to write to already..xx
Tinkingbell: Yep I love my Sil and my nephews.. Family GAH.. :}
i hope things get better soon..
and thanks for the flowers.. :)
families suck arse. big time. especially out laws! i'm an only child, and so is my hubby, so our suffering is quite limited, but i do feel for you. thanks for the flowers, and i truly hope you sil fucks off soon xo
Thanks for the purdy flowers. They smell nice, too. I don't know why you're off the grog right now, but I bet you're re-thinking it haha.
Oh gawd, hasn't she gone yet. Shit.
I will have a glass of wine/whine for you OK? *snort*
Smootches. I KNOW what it is like with someone hovering saying 'whatcha reading?' 'whatcha doin'
Go already!
Thnk you for the flowers, how lovely! And good luck with your booze free crowded house! Hugs BG x
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