This is how I feel today.. I am 'UNSTOPPABLE WOMAN'!!!! Ordinary people see me and shout out! " WOW!!! There goes 'UNSTOPPABLE WOMAN'. Look at her Go!!!"
MMM!!! Nice Dream Kimmy. Now if Only I could get motivated to do something. YAWN' mmm where's that book???
i am glad i am not the only one who feels this way.. occasionally.. hehe
Yeah, feel like that right now.
Yay Taz and Yay Kelley..hehehehe nick off Wonder Woman here come the unstoppables *YAWN* hehehehehe
cheers kim lmao
Oh I had a blah day yesterday.
Can I join your super herodom?
Tiff Of course you can... hehehe You don't even need a cape.. A tea towel will do!!! ta daaa!!!
i sooo know that feeling!
I had the same problem today, I'll feel better in the morning - I hope!
Yep - unstoppable yesterday - today I'm pausable!
*yawn* Good morning, Mrs Unstopabble.
I am unstoppable with my new camera!!!!! that just arrived, except that the stupid battery has to charge for TWO HUNDRED TEN MINUTES! That's waaaaaaaaay too long! I have to wait another ONE HUNDRED NINETY MINUTES before I can start playing with my new camera!
I guess I am easily stoppable by a drained battery...
Did you order a camera or decide for sure that you are going to get one? I took pictures of the box and the camera and stuff as I unpacked it. I have become insane about photodocumenting my life since I joined weekly winners...
*Passes Marilyn a tea towel* there you go now you are 'Unstoppable" as well..
I hope so too Jientje. at least you can use the fact that it is winter for an excuse...
Pausable! hehehe Tinkingbell I love it.. How are you today?? oh I am pausable thankyou *snort* hehehe
Good morning Daughter. And how is the small unstoppable one????
TWO HUNDRED AND TEN MINUTES!!!!Gawd that certainly deserves capital letters..
I ordered the camera Julie *jumps up and down with excitement*.. heheehe I Love Weekly winners.. I am thinking of joining photo hunt as well..
cheers peoples xxx Kim
Oh that is so exciting!!! It's so much fun to have a new toy!!! I finally got the battery charged and took a couple pictures...I tried to read the instruction book, but my mind just doesn't speak technical. I guess I will figure out the stuff by playing around with it...or don't take anything else to read along on the flight to Italy. Then i will be desperate enough to read it...
Woo! New camera!!!! How long before you get it? I am jumping up and down with you!!!
That motivation sure is hard to find. Turns the next page........
I've never been unstoppable. Just hand me a good book and watch me stop.
That's me! :D I'm in Blog365 too.
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