Anyway.. the point is that I am starting to work out a bit of a structure to my 'bloggy life' as opposed to that other life in the real world.Where I have to cook food for the starving hordes and I have nothing resembling structure or order at all...*sigh*
I could be a real smarty pants here and throw in all sorts of analogies involving camels and drowning men and straws and suchlike.. but I wont.. nope I am going to stop blathering and introduce the: Monday Means Meme Mayhem... tadaa!!!
I totally stole this meme from Royalty "gasp" Yes I pinched this from Princess Polly
a Glasgow Girl and fellow blog 36fiver...
So with the appropriate FANFARE da da da de da duh de dah..... I am pleased to announce
this is AFTER.. oops..
No wonder the rotten thing was so bloody heavy.. apart from the essentials like phone,camera,wallet,hairbrush,mirror and tampons..I had a gluestick and a roll of stickytape and 2 rubber bands. A writing pad (but no pen or pencil) painkillers and anti histamines, I am allergic to bees and pain ..a purple plastic frog, a polished piece of glass ,3 shells ,a rock, one small container of bubble mix..( when you are a nanny you have gotta be prepared..) 8 band-aids and a handful of serviettes. roll on sunscreen(it's Australia) and a handful of chocolate eclairs. a pair of nail clippers and $5.45 in small change a triple AAA battery and a clothes peg. a tin of breathmints and two qwik eze. I also had a rather large handful of shopper dockets and receipts. and three envelopes... Tadaa!!!!! one clean handbag .. thanks Princess Polly..
I am not going to tag anyone for this meme because like I said I did blatantly steal this from Glaswegian Royalty... So Feel free to nick it from me..
cheers Kim xxx
Nice going. I think I like the idea of stealing meme's lol
Good luck with the structure thing
I have been trying to post a damn comment for AAAAAAAAAAGES! But my internet is playing up and nothing is loading.
I love the contents of your handbag, they always come in handy. Please, why didn't you tell me you had bubbles earlier? They would have come in handy.
Wow, I am impressed at the blogging 365 days thing. As for the contents of my handbag...I dread to think! BG x
Yep I did too Bettina.. As soon as I had read PP's meme, I thought..., "Righto Kimmy you best nick that.. and use it for when you are hard up.." heheheh
Ummm sorry pumpkin..oops you didn't ask?
heheheh okay B.G fess up.. lol
Babe you are insane.
Blog 365, Blog guilt free AND showing the contents of your handbag??????
Insanity I tells ya!
I tend to blog daily but don't like commitment. Probably why it took me 10 years and 3 kids to finally marry the guy that knocked me up ;)
I have gotten away from handbags in favour of pockets. Just money and various plastic cards, thankyouverymuch.
I don't have a handbag, I have a shoulder-pouch thingy that is very small and must remain attached to my body or I will lose it.
I used to have a handbag, which is called a purse in the Midwest U.S.A. and a pocketbook in the Northeast U.S.A., but I kept losing the damned thing because I couldn't attach it to my body.
So now I have this shoulder-pouch thingy.
It contains eyeglasses in a case, a small green wallet that never seems to have any currency in it, a checkbook that I almost never use, lip balm, keys, handkerchief, cell phone, pen, and throat lozenges.
I wish I had more interesting stuff, but there's no more room in my pouchy thing.
I love this!! Now, you wanna do one? I'm including you on my Monday Meme...*smooches*
It's up - here's the link:
I hope you'll play. Have a great Monday!
It just so happens I bought a new one last week; and it's all nice and tidy and clutterfree! That would not be exciting now, would it?
When I was prenant the first time, hubby cleaned out my handbag (I wasn't supposed to lift anything heavy) He took out 5kg - and I barely noticed the loss - I'm with you on the before handbag contents!
I don't have a hand bag, I have several baby bags that I tote around with various forms of disgusting in them.
Maybe I'll have to invest in a proper bag when Ivy and Noah are out of nappies.
Oh the handbag thing!! Very funny!!
I always have too much in my handbag, usually a book and knitting too!! I swap bags almost every day so that tends to cut down on the excess. I find it's the change in my purse that is the heaviest!!
now ya have wanted me to clean out my handbag..
nice blog btw.. :)
Yeah, I am glad you are doing 365. I had fun going through your purse!
LOL I tagged you for a meme yesterday :P
Notice it's the nannas who always have the bandaids and safety pins etc.? I also carry tissues and spare drinking straws, the wrapped kind that you get from Subway. One thing I don't carry is small change. Every night I empty all silver coins into an assortment of coffee mugs as each mug fills I cash it in at the bank and buy myself something. L also uses the mugs to get milk money if he runs out of milk and I'm at work.
Glaswegian royalty??? Brilliant - thank you!!! :)
Thanks for all the comments everybody....
cheers kim :)
great idea - not much in mine - it gets emptied regularly by you know whos.
I like the blog stealing ideas for 365 - as you know I am doing it too and soon will run out of ideas.
hello - I saw your link somewhere... maybe Miss Sniz? Or Kailani.
Anyway - this sounds interesting - but I would be embarassed to show the rubbish I have in my bag as I never clear it out.
It's nice of you to give away stuff. I am going to have a look at your stuff now.
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