Ok here is where I take a deep deep breath and just 'Jump in Boots and all"
1. My name is Kim
2. When I was 12 I changed the spelling to Kimme
3.I did it to annoy the nuns
4. and it worked. ha!
5. My eyes are green
6. they change colour
7. especially when I am pissed (drunk)...
8. I have stopped drinking
9. for a while anyway,
10. at least until I have lost some weight
11. I gave up cigarettes 14 months ago
12. and gained over 20 kilos (shit)
13. I still occasionally crave a ciggie
14. But I will never ever smoke again.
15. it is my birthday in 15 days
16. I will be 42..
17. I think I will stay 42 for a long time
18. it has a nice ring to it
19 foooorteeeee tooooooooo
20. and 42 is the answer...
21. If you have read the hitch hikers guide to the galaxy
22. you will know what I mean.
23. I am an Aquarian
24. Aquarians 'know' they are special
25. Mere Mortals think Aquarians are strange
26. other Aquarians are nodding their heads right now..
27. other readers are thinking "she's Strange".
28. In high school I was bit of a rebel.
29. I wanted to start my own religion
30. the nun's had a fit.
31. They nearly expelled me
32. I wanted them to
33. I was bored shitless at school.
34. My dad died in a car accident
35. I was in year nine when he died
36. It was a tuesday
37. I have never visited his grave
38. I might one day
39. just to kick it.
40. Or maybe not *sigh*
41. Hey that's how old I am at the moment....
42. in fifteen days time I wont be 41 anymore.
43. I just repeated myself hehehehe
44. did you notice?
45. I started to think about this post ages ago
46. well at post 74 anyway..
47. but I decided to do it later on
48. there was plenty of time I thought,
49. so now I am doing this at the last minute
50. and this has taken all day.
51. I am a very private person
52. I don't like talking about myself
53. even to my close friends.
54. which is strange
55. because I am such an extrovert
56. And a show off
57. I like to shock people.
58. I once told some young greenies that we should chop down all the trees
59. and concrete all of Tasmania and
60. that plastic trees were a much neater option
61. they believed me and got quite irate.
62. but I didn't let them know that
63. I was a greenie before they were even born..
64. I was captain of the debating team at school.
65. I find that debating skills are very handy
66. especially at the pub.. hehehe
67. Both my children were at my wedding.
68. Veronica was my flower girl.
69. We were married in an old country church.
70. Jeffrey and I have been together for 21 years.
71. We will have been married for 12 years next month.
72. I love him very much. *sigh*
73. I get distracted very easily.
74. what was I saying???
75. I am itching to get outside because the sky is pink and blue.
76.I want to photograph the sky.. again
77. We built our home together
78. room by room.
79. From recycled timber and 2nd hand bricks.
80. We used to heat hot water outside in an old copper
81. A wood fired copper.. *sigh* then we would
82. bucket it into the bath.. It used to take all Day..
83. It was hard work.
84. I love my hot water cylinder...
85. I love indoor plumbing.
86. I hate using good drinking water to flush the toilet.
87. I wear odd socks deliberately
88. I get cranky when Jeff cleans up the spiderwebs
89. I like spiders.
90. except when they fall on my head *shudder*
91.I refuse to kill anything I can not eat (insects included)
92. I can butcher and dress out an animal.
93. But the smell of blood makes me ill.
94. I want a dual cab 4 wheel drive ute
95. my favourite colour is purple.
96. I am allergic to Bees
97. I like to wear purple and green socks but
98. I haven't got any at the moment *hint! hint!*
99. Vacuuming is definately bad for your soul ..
100. I like to play in the mud...
phew....cheers Kim