Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Because I can.. so there!!!! gnaa gnaa ganaha!!!

click here click here
To find out more about this
Special Award....

Or Just click on the actual AWARD...
shhh... ( thanks Veronica for showing me how to link it..)

I have had one of those days..*sigh* so I decided to give myself an award.
xoxoxox cheers kim...


Anonymous said...


what a cute award..

i hope your day gets better..

i cant get over how cute Harry is..

Veronica Foale said...

I love it!

I know you are feeling better now but (((hugs))) Love you XXX

My linky is broken btw.

Patois42 said...

Everyone needs an award when we've had one of those days.

Julie said...

Wow. I never thought of giving myself awards...

I think I may be getting some "anonymous" awards one of these days.

I hope your day got better, and the week just gets better and better.

Paula said...

love the award! great idea. way to treat yourself right :)
youve inspired me to do the same. looks fun!

TinkingBell said...

Excellent Idea!! - There - I just gave you 'The Excellent Idea Award' and one day I'll leanr how to do buttons and stuff!!

Anonymous said...


Am so sorry that you are having a rough day. I really hope it gets better for you.
You have been so kind to me over the last week with your caring towards Ivy and I, I wish that I could magically make your day wonderful!

Kellan said...

I also gave myself this award not long ago - also from Miss SNiz - it's cool. Good for you, you deserve it! See ya. Kellan

frog ponds rock... said...

Taz: Yeah it is a great award. thanks for the nice thoughts.. Harry is lovely isn't he..

Veronica.. thanks pumpkin.. i fixed the link..xxx

Patois: Yes.. actually just posting it made me feel better..

Julie;I dont often have bad days but when I do they are B-A-D but all is better now.

Paula: Yep Just go over to Miss Sniz and read about it.. hehehe

TinkingBell.. thanks..I have no idea how to do buttons or stuff either.. but I did find a site that you can use, it has all kinds of buttons and things. As soon as I work it out I will let you know and we can "Go Button Crazy"

Tiff: thankyou sweetheart.. and how is Miss Ivy? I hope she is feeling better..

Kellan: Yep sometimes you just have to give yourself some 'bling'

Thanks heaps people, I also am having a "period from hell" so it really didn't take much for me to be reduced to tears at all...
You all have helped to make me feel much nicer...

cheers kim

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad you gave yourself that award!! And that you linked to me! My husband created it kinda as a joke, but I think it's hilarious and I just called him and told him someone in Australia has it now. He was pretty amused!

Anonymous said...

Well I gave you an award..... and I don't see it on your blog *sniff*


frog ponds rock... said...

sniz: thanks I am glad that he was 'amused'..

Kelley: lol. I wrote a post all about your award. I even awarded your award to people in far flung locations eerrr like america and england hehehehe.. Actually thanks for the reminder I had been meaning to ask Veronica how to put it on my sidebar..

cheers Kim..

Anonymous said...

:) the only reason I said it is cause I have been given awards and forgot about them! Had the windows open to remind me and then they were closed when I restarted my computer!

My awards! They are lost!!
