Thank goodness yesterday has gone away.. Look this is my poor kiln just sitting there, stranded *sigh* the kiln is one of the reasons that I was having an ordinary day. The other reason was the bloody Spouse and his sidekick the offspring.. Men Hmmphh who needs them..
The kiln needs 3 phase power. I rang the power company and was assured on two separate occasions that three phase power wasn't a problem. Yeah right and if you flap your arms fast enough you can fly.
We are 41 power poles away from 3 phase power. It will cost $1100 a span. without the connection fees etc etc etc. The spouses suggestion was to sell the kiln or at least think of the kiln as an expensive sort of cupboard. My suggestion back to the spouse was unprintable and most probably impossible.
I have previously shown you my balcony and the gorgeous honeysuckle.The spouse wants to enclose that space and turn it into a bedroom for the offspring. *sputter* turn my lovely balcony into a dark smelly 'pit of doom' full of the odours of teenage boy!!!!! *euww*
But where there is a will there is a WONT. I am full of WONT at the moment.. I wont give up my balcony and that is all there is to it.. but of course if I just say that out loud I am doomed to having a stinky 'pit of doom' right next to my kitchen/pantry/computer area.
But that was yesterday...
Today like most days was a pretty good day..
cheers kim xxx
so happy to hear you had a better day today..
But, now you can convert the kiln to 1 phase power and use it anyway.
UGH @ the smelly pit of doom. Can you imagine the fug that would emanate from there?
Ouch on the power, and the pit of doom! Your balcony is far too lovely to be a teenage boy's bedroom, even if he is your son heehee xx
Is that almost $500,000???!! That is far too much, I suggest you sell The Spouse, his sidekick and the offspring and finance your own Hydro scheme!!! Glad your day is better!!!
Oh, you shuoldn't feel anything is unprintable.
That bites about the kiln. I think 2paw might be onto something, though.
What a funny post - I wish we were near you as my husband is an Electrical Contractor and could definitely help you out with your power issues - hope today is a lot better day for you. Take care. Kellan
Turn the kiln into a bedroom for the boy and everyones happy.
2 thoughts - sell the electric and buy a gas kiln (will work out cheaper) -or build a noroboragama or anagama and wood fire! That way you can use reduction glazes and do glass and faience and anything else (I'd saw off my left leg for a gas fired kiln) and keep the balcony - YOU NEED THE BALCONY - it's a mental health thing!!
woodfire...does it work?
Is there one nearby that you can use?
I would really like my own darkroom...
Taz: thanks..
Veronica: yes the electrician is coming up on the 10th of January to have a look and give me a quote..
Bendy girl: Ouch!! Indeed!!
2paw: Not quite that bad..It's nearly 50,000 though*sigh*..I have tried to sell them before.. but sadly there weren't any takers.. The spouse has been broken a few times... The offspring is too expensive to run.. *sigh* hehehehe
Patois: hehehehe
Kellan: thankyou.
Xbox: ha bloody ha! I can see you sympathise with the spouse hehehehe
bloody men..
Tinkingbell: I have a small and very ancient gas kiln.. but it is better suited for Raku and I haven't had much of a play with it yet.. One of my tutors at Tafe is a woodfirer and I dont think I have the dedication to spend 48 hours straight stoking it.. I like shino glazes. But with my slipcast stuff oxidation is the way to go..
cheers kim..
Oh and Ps. Yes the balcony is definately A mental health issue.. I would go mad without that extra source of air and light through the house...
Is that actually 41 x 1100??
I hope the days keep getting better - what a shock about he 3 phase power.OMG - can you connect to 1 phase ? like V said.
I wouldn't let D have your pretty space either. MY teenage reeks of deodorant - I don't know what is worse.
I get the feeling that poor man is deserving of some sympathy....
Dawn: Yes indeedy 45 -50 thousand dollars: I would have to make a lot of pots. lots of pots...
Baby amore: Hehehehe my son stinks of Lynx... phew..Yes the electrician is coming up in January to give me a quote.. so it should be ok..
Xbox:hehehehehe could possibly be correct..:]
Say it like you meant it!
50 grand? you wanna be producing pot, not pots to pay for that.
A smelly pit of doom instead of a honeysuckle balcony? Nooo!
I'm glad today (well that's what...two days ago now?!) has been better. :)
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