I don't know why I keep on doing these things. Hehehehe Maybe because they make me laugh? I like to laugh. I especially like to laugh at myself..I am an over educated serial underachiever. I also am a champion procrastinator with scant regard for the niceties of grammar.
Thanks to the Fruit Femme. for this little gem...
Cheers Kim
p.s I hope if i start to speak more " Orstayleeanne loike" I might possibly bring my blogs reading level down to kindergarten....YAY something to truly aim for. (I nearly said aspire oops) and that will never do...
I think mine ranks as junior high. Very strange.
No sorry honey I checked yours and you are ranked as elementary,,
even stranger as you are a much better writer than i am..
maybe because it is an american thingy you and i make too many spelling mistakes like colour, mum,programme etc..
hmm interesting..
oh by the way.. my cat decided to come home at some late hour..
he was so happy to be home.. hehe
take care..
Taz: glad he decided to come home and made it safely..
I'm pretty sure I did this one and I think I was at Kindergarten - I am aiming for HS, maybe we should switch. Take care. Kellan
Highschool = more accessible = excellent!
Fruitfemme: Yes Indeedy hehehehe
*sob* mine is elementary dear watson!
Ah, I got 'high school" too. Obviously they missed my puctuation errors, haha. Today's 'high school' level is probably crap anyway, judging by my son's english assignment; he had no paragraphs, spelling errors, change of tense errors which I noticed straight away, yet none of these were even corrected, and the score was 23 out of 25. I understand the content was good(it was imaginative writing), and it is good to encourage people, but surely it doesn't hurt to point out grammatical errors, so that the student at least has an awareness of what is correct.
Maybe the teacher didn't know either.
Tex:My friend's daughter had done an assignment and she showed it to me before she handed it in. It was full of spelling mistakes, grammatical errors and punctuation was non existant..*sigh*
I struggled to find something encouraging to say when all I wanted to do was attack it with a red pen.
She ended up getting an A.*ouch*
She is in year 7. Oh dear..
Ooh, what happened to your Booze quiz (I wanted to report that I'm a "lush" with 70%) hehe
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