I have joined in the fun at Lotus' aka Sarcastic Mom.. I will fess up and tell you that I do not have a clue what I am doing at all.. Veronica Did a thingy for me ..(she's a good daughter). So All I have to do is copy /paste a word document and hopefully I will get Lotus' groovy button up, then all I have to do is add my pics... Yay
Cross your Fingers for me.....

Sorry Lotus the button was supposed to be at the top.. oops
cheers kim.. It's a nice sunset though ;}
nice pics..
Wow, those are gorgeous!
Sorry, I just saw a huge spelling blunder,so I deleted my comment! It said; " beautiful sunset!"
And I meant that, of course!
Gosh they are great photos Mum. Send them to me.
What a gorgeous pair of photos!
Secret Agent Mama
good on Veronica .. you did well. Lovely sunset.
You did great, no need for apologies!
That is a gorgeous sunset.
lol @ "farking hot"
Hi Kim!
I certainly took me long enough to get my butt over here! I'm so happy you're playing along!
And Good Lord, it LOOKS hot.
Nice sunsets! Farking hot sounds not too bad to some of us in the northern realms about now! It's good you joined our little Sunday photo safari!
Stunning pictures! The colors are wonderful!
Those are beautiful pictures. I love sunsets and sunrises too, but I see more sunsets!
Gorgeous photos and a gorgeous sunset!
I live in the desert, so I totally get your "farking hot" comment...I am so relieved the farking hot season is over for the year here.
Thankyou very much to everyone that commented...Yay..
Veronica has given me a quick lesson (over the phone lol) So hopefully next week I will have a much neater post. lol
cheers kim.
Stunning sunsets. They're like paintings.
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