So many things have made me smile this week. I am hard pressed to list them..So here I go and in no particular order whatsoever...
Here is my smiley stuff..
- Eating fruit in the garden with my Grand daughter. It has been a while since I have had a small person in the garden with me and Miss Amy ate the red currants as fast as we could pick them for her.
- Spotting the Wedgetailed Eagle on the fencepost and actually getting a photo of her was pretty special.
- Reading the memes written by the small revolutionaries not only made me smile I was in serious danger of choking on my coffee at one stage. Thanks Alex ,Braden and Amy...
- Looking at my bright purple Christmas hair makes me smile as well .
I am one of those people that smile a lot. I am smiling now. Thanks to Lightening for this great idea. If anyone wants to be a part of this it is easy, all you have to do is go over to Lightenings page and pinch the Smiley Saturday banner and join in..
Probably not this week [bit late in the day] but remind me next week and I'll give it a go, sounds like great positive therapy to me.
This is my calling card or link"Whittereronautism"which takes you straight to my new blog.
Fantastic :)
I would like to see that hair in your weekly winners! :-)
She did eat the red currants very fast didn't she.
I'm thinking we need a picture of the purple hair! Pleeeeease???
nice to know you have a had a lovely week.. :-)
And may you have a smily christmas!
Loving the purple Christmas hair!
Have a wondrous, goofy, awesome Christmas!
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