Here we go Veronica... Just for you Honey...
The spouse and I attached some chicken wire to the balcony railing today. This was to make it an Amy friendly zone.. I thought Veronica would like these pictures.
Tilly is Veronica's cat and she is not pleased about the wire at all... Ha silly cat.
such a cutie..
you have some good looking pets..
Poor poor Til, she will have to learn to jump higher!
Thankyou so much! The balcony will be an excellent place for Amy to play in summer now!
Thanks Taz, andI have cute kids too hehehe.
No probs Ronni.. xoxox
I love what you've done for your furry kids - we've enclosed one of our balconies for Minti and Jaffa, then added sratching poles, hammocks, catnip/grass in pots and a comfy basket - they love lying in the sun, watching the birds (which they can't catch !) and getting some outdoors action in safety. I hope your cats love their new playhouse (at least eventually)
Looks like we were doing similar things today. Fencing in (and out) little furries!
Love the name Tilly BTW
It was actually wired to stop Amy (my Toddler) from falling off the balcony.
Poor Tilly is complaining that she can no longer jump through the wire bars, but instead has to walk around the long way.
Because Mum lives in the bush, the cats get the run of the property. Plenty of trees to climb and they love it.
It is going to be a great area to put Amy's blow up pool, it is lovely and shady there in the afternoon.
Aww, poor cat! They do get so confused by any kind of changes...cos obviously the house, garden, and er world belongs to them! BG
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