Cheers Kim xxx
Sunday, December 30, 2007
Weekly Winners #5 wooohooo!!!!
Cheers Kim xxx
Saturday, December 29, 2007
Hello.. I am going insane here.. *sigh*
Hello my lovely internets. (I so totally stole that name from Kelley *sigh*) I have finally fought my way to MY computer. I have logged the others off MY COMPUTER ... and now I am going to post a whinging/whiny post.. I am such a sook..
The offspring flew to South Aussie yesterday and The Spouse and I had been quietly counting down the days to his departure. We had been really really really looking forward to having 15 days here all by ourselves.. 15 days *sigh*.. 15 teenage-mess free-playstation-messmaking-I am hungry free days...*sigh* 15 days of seriously reduced grocery bills. etc. etc. etc.
Kelley's Nemesis Murphy had a quick squiz at my planned 15 days of nothingness and decided to intervene.. *BASTARD*
I have houseguests... hmmm they will probably still be here when the offspring returns from south aus. they are lucky I love them.but but but but.............
The offspring flew to South Aussie yesterday and The Spouse and I had been quietly counting down the days to his departure. We had been really really really looking forward to having 15 days here all by ourselves.. 15 days *sigh*.. 15 teenage-mess free-playstation-messmaking-I am hungry free days...*sigh* 15 days of seriously reduced grocery bills. etc. etc. etc.
Kelley's Nemesis Murphy had a quick squiz at my planned 15 days of nothingness and decided to intervene.. *BASTARD*
I have houseguests... hmmm they will probably still be here when the offspring returns from south aus. they are lucky I love them.but but but but.............
Friday, December 28, 2007
It is probably an hours drive from my home...
I took the offspring to the Airport today..He is spending the next 2 weeks with his cousin in South Australia..
I was nervous about my son flying alone. I had butterflies as I was driving him to the airport, (big big fluttery butterflies). I was excited for my son and pleased that my very shy boy had somehow morphed into this confident young man..But at the same time I was sad. *sigh*
As he walked towards the plane he turned and waved and gave me the hugest 'shiteating grin' and I just grinned back hehehehe. Then just as he was about to board the plane he turned again and gave me the thumbs up, still with the silly grin all over his face....
My nephew and I stayed to watch the plane take-off and we watched the plane carrying my solo flyer until I couldn't see it in the sky anymore *sigh*
Then just because we could, my nephew and I went to the beach for a walk and we found some cool shells and some sea sponges and rocks and stuff...
cheers kim..
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
This is soooo funny.. (oops!)
Heheheheheehe. sometimes these things are SCARILY ACCURATE...
ps. I really wanted to be a Trifle...*sigh*
You Are a Fruitcake |
![]() People pretend you're sweet and precious, but they know how weird you really are! |
ps. I really wanted to be a Trifle...*sigh*
Monday, December 24, 2007
Santa was very very Careless!!!!
Sunday, December 23, 2007
Weekly winners #4
Once again I am thrilled to bits to be participating in that Mad Mad Womans photo carnival..... Soooo Drumroll Please. Here are my Favourites for the week.. oh and one of my purple hair as well, 'cause Lotus and Tracey asked so nicely to see it.. and it truly is a really groovy violet colour..
cheers Kim xxx
Saturday, December 22, 2007
Smiley Saturday .'YAY'.

So many things have made me smile this week. I am hard pressed to list them..So here I go and in no particular order whatsoever...
Here is my smiley stuff..
- Eating fruit in the garden with my Grand daughter. It has been a while since I have had a small person in the garden with me and Miss Amy ate the red currants as fast as we could pick them for her.
- Spotting the Wedgetailed Eagle on the fencepost and actually getting a photo of her was pretty special.
- Reading the memes written by the small revolutionaries not only made me smile I was in serious danger of choking on my coffee at one stage. Thanks Alex ,Braden and Amy...
- Looking at my bright purple Christmas hair makes me smile as well .
I am one of those people that smile a lot. I am smiling now. Thanks to Lightening for this great idea. If anyone wants to be a part of this it is easy, all you have to do is go over to Lightenings page and pinch the Smiley Saturday banner and join in..
Friday, December 21, 2007
Wedge tailed eagle
I stopped the car and started to fumble for my camera, all the while really worried that she would fly away..I only managed to get 2 shots before she looked at me and slowly flew off..
I absolutely adore Eagles and this is only the third time that I have been so close to a wild eagle.. Wow..
Thursday, December 20, 2007
hehehehe... icky stuff lol.
2,876,160How Many Germs Live On Your Keyboard?
Bet you are glad it is my Keyboard, and not one in the library...hehehehe
Bet you are glad it is my Keyboard, and not one in the library...hehehehe
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
Yesterday was one of those days..
Thank goodness yesterday has gone away.. Look this is my poor kiln just sitting there, stranded *sigh* the kiln is one of the reasons that I was having an ordinary day. The other reason was the bloody Spouse and his sidekick the offspring.. Men Hmmphh who needs them..
The kiln needs 3 phase power. I rang the power company and was assured on two separate occasions that three phase power wasn't a problem. Yeah right and if you flap your arms fast enough you can fly.
We are 41 power poles away from 3 phase power. It will cost $1100 a span. without the connection fees etc etc etc. The spouses suggestion was to sell the kiln or at least think of the kiln as an expensive sort of cupboard. My suggestion back to the spouse was unprintable and most probably impossible.
I have previously shown you my balcony and the gorgeous honeysuckle.The spouse wants to enclose that space and turn it into a bedroom for the offspring. *sputter* turn my lovely balcony into a dark smelly 'pit of doom' full of the odours of teenage boy!!!!! *euww*
But where there is a will there is a WONT. I am full of WONT at the moment.. I wont give up my balcony and that is all there is to it.. but of course if I just say that out loud I am doomed to having a stinky 'pit of doom' right next to my kitchen/pantry/computer area.
But that was yesterday...
Today like most days was a pretty good day..
cheers kim xxx
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
Because I can.. so there!!!! gnaa gnaa ganaha!!!
click here click here
To find out more about this
Special Award....
Or Just click on the actual AWARD...
shhh... ( thanks Veronica for showing me how to link it..)
I have had one of those days..*sigh* so I decided to give myself an award.
xoxoxox cheers kim...
To find out more about this
Special Award....
Or Just click on the actual AWARD...
shhh... ( thanks Veronica for showing me how to link it..)
I have had one of those days..*sigh* so I decided to give myself an award.
xoxoxox cheers kim...

Sunday, December 16, 2007
Weekly Winners #3
cheers kim
Saturday, December 15, 2007
Back chat ..
Questions like Do you feel silly commenting sometimes??? Or do you sometimes upload blurry photos and then leave them as is???? mmmm I wish I wish I wish
Ta Daaaa My wish has been granted.. YAY..
Veronica has created a Forum.... Backchat. A totally appropriate name as that young lady always had a lot to say ..hehehe
Anyway this forum is a place for bloggers to go to have a yak. ask questions etc etc etc.. I think it is a wonderful idea and IT IS FREE FREE FREE.. that is always good.
So If you feel like it why don't you go over there to Backchat and have a stickybeak..
cheers kim
p.s yes this is a shameless plug hehehehe.. backchat is the place to chatback xox

Thursday, December 13, 2007
Is Meme A Verb Yet????
I have been Tagged. Schmutzie tagged me for this one. Hi Schmutzie *waves* Look Look I am doing it finally... so here are the rules a la Schmutzie
The Rules Of The Meme:
Each player makes a list of eight random facts/habits about themselves. At the end of your list, choose eight people to to tag and list their names. Leave them a comment on each of their websites to let them know that they have been tagged. The people tagged will write a post on their own website about their eight things, post these rules, and tag eight others. etc etc blah blah blah...
I have been Tagged before for these meme thingys *sigh* I find them really really hard to do. So I am just going to Jump off the deep end and go blah blah blah.
I will be 42 in February and I am really excited about that.. If anyone has ever read and /or watched The Hitchhikers guide to the Galaxy, they will know that 42 is the answer to Life, The Universe and well err Everything... (obvious isn't it!!! hehehehe)
I dream about my grandaughter a lot.. Nice Dreams.. I think grand daughter should be one word like Grrrannnndaughter.... or Grrrrannnnnsunnn... yep!!!!!!!!
I "smashed" my right kneecap in 1993.. Sometimes when I am thinking about stuff, phrases like ,"before I did my knee." or "that was after I did my knee.." make me wonder about how we define our lives.. why is it always generally with a before or after ...????
I gave up smoking last year. I was going to blog about my 12 month non smoking anniversary. But! but, but. On that day the bush filled with smoke from a far away fire and I blogged about that instead... Gawd I love the universe... hehehehe
I had a very good *cough private cough* school education.. We Guuurrrrlllllls were meticulously groomed for yoooneerveeersitty.....Religion was a compulsory matriculation subject... I very nearly got expelled for starting my own religion.. "The Kimminites " Now, how my mother managed to keep a straight face in "that interview with the nuns"is still a mystery to me???? You rock mum!!!!
I keep on counting back up and there are still two more me things to do..*sigh*
I swear like a trooper.. "Well Fuck me! What the Fuck was I thinking!!!!" is one of my oft repeated curses/everyday language.. generally accompanied by a theatrical slap to my forehead *sigh* But I get offended when I hear someone say c-u-n-t.. (notice I spelled it ) I generally growl at them to stop their Fucking swearing in Fucking front of me for Fucks sake.. Fuckin Assholes...
I dont swear infront of my Grrraaaaaaaannndaughter though... that would be BAD BAD BAD.. Miss Amy is Way toooo young to appreciate the nuances of a well inserted expletive...
Yay yay yay That is Seven Gna gna gnanana.. phew..
Now previously I have copped out of this bit...
but not tonight. I am going to NOMINATE....
TAZ: Taz comments regularly and doesn't have a blog.. So Taz my sweety you can do this meme either in my comments or Veronicas.. hehehe
I am going to nominate the three revolutionaries
Alex and
only because I am interested in their' sleep is for the weak 'theories..
Then there is a delightful young lady FitCat
This young woman is Awesome.. go and read her blog...
then I think I will tag psychicgeek aka witchypoo just for fun and because I have just discovered her blog ...
and of course I will leave the 7th tag open for anyone that is stuck for a post ' oops 'I mean for anyone that wants to do it......
cheers Kim
farkin finally *phew*
ps. i just realized that it was supposed to be an eight things post so.. I really really like red lollies and when Veronica comes to visit I make her eat the icky coloured lollies like green and orange...
The Rules Of The Meme:
I have been Tagged before for these meme thingys *sigh* I find them really really hard to do. So I am just going to Jump off the deep end and go blah blah blah.
I will be 42 in February and I am really excited about that.. If anyone has ever read and /or watched The Hitchhikers guide to the Galaxy, they will know that 42 is the answer to Life, The Universe and well err Everything... (obvious isn't it!!! hehehehe)
I dream about my grandaughter a lot.. Nice Dreams.. I think grand daughter should be one word like Grrrannnndaughter.... or Grrrrannnnnsunnn... yep!!!!!!!!
I "smashed" my right kneecap in 1993.. Sometimes when I am thinking about stuff, phrases like ,"before I did my knee." or "that was after I did my knee.." make me wonder about how we define our lives.. why is it always generally with a before or after ...????
I gave up smoking last year. I was going to blog about my 12 month non smoking anniversary. But! but, but. On that day the bush filled with smoke from a far away fire and I blogged about that instead... Gawd I love the universe... hehehehe
I had a very good *cough private cough* school education.. We Guuurrrrlllllls were meticulously groomed for yoooneerveeersitty.....Religion was a compulsory matriculation subject... I very nearly got expelled for starting my own religion.. "The Kimminites " Now, how my mother managed to keep a straight face in "that interview with the nuns"is still a mystery to me???? You rock mum!!!!
I keep on counting back up and there are still two more me things to do..*sigh*
I swear like a trooper.. "Well Fuck me! What the Fuck was I thinking!!!!" is one of my oft repeated curses/everyday language.. generally accompanied by a theatrical slap to my forehead *sigh* But I get offended when I hear someone say c-u-n-t.. (notice I spelled it ) I generally growl at them to stop their Fucking swearing in Fucking front of me for Fucks sake.. Fuckin Assholes...
I dont swear infront of my Grrraaaaaaaannndaughter though... that would be BAD BAD BAD.. Miss Amy is Way toooo young to appreciate the nuances of a well inserted expletive...
Yay yay yay That is Seven Gna gna gnanana.. phew..
Now previously I have copped out of this bit...
but not tonight. I am going to NOMINATE....
TAZ: Taz comments regularly and doesn't have a blog.. So Taz my sweety you can do this meme either in my comments or Veronicas.. hehehe
I am going to nominate the three revolutionaries
Alex and
only because I am interested in their' sleep is for the weak 'theories..
Then there is a delightful young lady FitCat
This young woman is Awesome.. go and read her blog...
then I think I will tag psychicgeek aka witchypoo just for fun and because I have just discovered her blog ...
and of course I will leave the 7th tag open for anyone that is stuck for a post ' oops 'I mean for anyone that wants to do it......
cheers Kim
farkin finally *phew*
ps. i just realized that it was supposed to be an eight things post so.. I really really like red lollies and when Veronica comes to visit I make her eat the icky coloured lollies like green and orange...
just a quickie.
I am sitting here at the computer and the most gorgeous smells are sneaking past my nose. So I decided to photograph and share my hi-tech computer space hehehehe. Yes it is a garden chair. The open door that you can see leads out to the balcony. the gorgeous smells are coming from the honeysuckle, that is climbing over the balcony.It's not a very good photo but it will have to do for the moment as I am about to go and pick myself a bunch of honeysuckle and really stink the house up... cheers Kim..
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
I am a haphazard cook.. Yeeeehaaaa!!!
I am I am I am.. I cook using a combination of kilos and pints. Handfulls and splooshes.
cups and tablespoons and grams and pinches..hehehe shakes and splashes and stuff...
If ever anyone is reading any of my recipes and you find things a bit confusing I will gladly give the conversions.. Because really I just expect you my lovely lovely internets to be able to read my mind..".the pool of clarity that it is" *scoff*
I like to collect old recipes and I also collect old plants.. not dead houseplants.. I like to keep and grow old, self-sustaining food plants.. like the raspberries that you hear me whingeing about. My grandfather gave me the runners and they originally came from his great we have to have a Wow Factor there. My grandfather is 80 sooo you can do the maths and work out how ancient these raspberry canes are..
cheers kim xxx
cups and tablespoons and grams and pinches..hehehe shakes and splashes and stuff...
If ever anyone is reading any of my recipes and you find things a bit confusing I will gladly give the conversions.. Because really I just expect you my lovely lovely internets to be able to read my mind..".the pool of clarity that it is" *scoff*
I like to collect old recipes and I also collect old plants.. not dead houseplants.. I like to keep and grow old, self-sustaining food plants.. like the raspberries that you hear me whingeing about. My grandfather gave me the runners and they originally came from his great we have to have a Wow Factor there. My grandfather is 80 sooo you can do the maths and work out how ancient these raspberry canes are..
cheers kim xxx
Yummy worcestershire Sauce.
I pinched this recipe from an old fella in the pub...
3 lb of dark plums
3lb of white sugar
2lb of brown sugar
3lb of treacle ( 1 1/2 tins)
7 pints of vinegar
1 bulb of garlic
2tbs salt
1 ounce of white pepper
2 ounces of whole cloves
1 tsp cayenne pepper
2 tsp ground ginger
cook till plums are soft, strain then Boil for 1 hour then bottle..
this is exactly as the recipe was given to me...
I haven't made this BUT BUT BUT I have tasted it and it is Yummy..
3 lb of dark plums
3lb of white sugar
2lb of brown sugar
3lb of treacle ( 1 1/2 tins)
7 pints of vinegar
1 bulb of garlic
2tbs salt
1 ounce of white pepper
2 ounces of whole cloves
1 tsp cayenne pepper
2 tsp ground ginger
cook till plums are soft, strain then Boil for 1 hour then bottle..
this is exactly as the recipe was given to me...
I haven't made this BUT BUT BUT I have tasted it and it is Yummy..
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
More Food Yum!!!!
I have been wanting to share some of my grandmother's recipes for a while now. Soooo Seeing as it is Christmas and because I am a generous type of person I am willing to share the family jewels. and really some of the recipes that I have are little gems.. So thanks to NAN tadaaa
Lemonade Scones...
3 cups of self raising flour.
1 teaspoon baking powder
1cup of thickened cream
1cup of lemonade.
mix together into a dough. cut into rounds and bake in a hot oven for approximately 10 minutes
these scones are really light and taste absolutely divine..
the trick with scones is not to handle the dough too much.
quick hands make light scones...
Nan's Christmas Pudding (yum)
1 lb of mixed fruit
3/4 cup of brown sugar
1/2 cup of cold water
1/2 tsp of bicarbonate of soda
1/2 tsp of mixed spice
1Tbs treacle
3 eggs
1 packet of pastry mix (any brand)
1/2 cup of brandy
place fruit,sugar,spices,water bicarb and alcohol into a saucepan and boil until the fruit softens (but not for too long)
allow to cool.
Add the treacle , beaten eggs and pastry mix..
mix until smooth..
meanwhile lightly dampen the pudding cloth (calico or muslin will do) and sprinkle the cloth with flour.
Put the pudding mix into the pudding cloth and tie it up.. but not too tightly because the xmas pudding will expand.. then steam for 2 hours or until cooked...
I put a couple of inches of water into a large pot, then put a colander on top of an upside-down soup bowl in the pot.. then put the pudding into the colander..this way the pudding steams away merrily and doesn't go all soggy...
These puddings will keep for months. If you are sneaky enough to hide them really well that is...
I hang the puddings up in the kitchen and then spray them with brandy or rum every so often.
But..I haven't made them for a couple of years now.. Or at least made ones that have lasted till christmas..
cheers Kim
I'm off to watch the cricket now xxx
Lemonade Scones...
3 cups of self raising flour.
1 teaspoon baking powder
1cup of thickened cream
1cup of lemonade.
mix together into a dough. cut into rounds and bake in a hot oven for approximately 10 minutes
these scones are really light and taste absolutely divine..
the trick with scones is not to handle the dough too much.
quick hands make light scones...
Nan's Christmas Pudding (yum)
1 lb of mixed fruit
3/4 cup of brown sugar
1/2 cup of cold water
1/2 tsp of bicarbonate of soda
1/2 tsp of mixed spice
1Tbs treacle
3 eggs
1 packet of pastry mix (any brand)
1/2 cup of brandy
place fruit,sugar,spices,water bicarb and alcohol into a saucepan and boil until the fruit softens (but not for too long)
allow to cool.
Add the treacle , beaten eggs and pastry mix..
mix until smooth..
meanwhile lightly dampen the pudding cloth (calico or muslin will do) and sprinkle the cloth with flour.
Put the pudding mix into the pudding cloth and tie it up.. but not too tightly because the xmas pudding will expand.. then steam for 2 hours or until cooked...
I put a couple of inches of water into a large pot, then put a colander on top of an upside-down soup bowl in the pot.. then put the pudding into the colander..this way the pudding steams away merrily and doesn't go all soggy...
These puddings will keep for months. If you are sneaky enough to hide them really well that is...
I hang the puddings up in the kitchen and then spray them with brandy or rum every so often.
But..I haven't made them for a couple of years now.. Or at least made ones that have lasted till christmas..
cheers Kim
I'm off to watch the cricket now xxx
Sunday, December 9, 2007
Weekly winners #2
i <3 kelley 2

Ta Daaa Look! Look! Look! Kelley at Magneto bold too gave me (and 27 other people) this Amazing piece of Bloggy bling. She *Hearts* me YAY YAY YAY.. Instead of explaining this gorgeous piece of blingery. I will just ask people to click here, or here or here hehehehe..
So in Keeping with Tradition I am going to pass this on to...
Bendy Girl at Benefit Scrounging Scum because BG 's blog is funny and informative and I enjoy her pommy humour and she spells proper too (hehehehe)
Casdok at Mother of Shrek because Casdok makes me think...
Kellan at On the upside, Kellan just makes me laugh andI really enjoy reading her blog, I don't comment there much because Kellan has millions of comments and every commenter has pinched what I had wanted to say..hehehehe
Thanks Kelley I really like my pressie..cheers Kim
Ps. my arm is much better today *YaY*
Saturday, December 8, 2007
Ho!Ho! Farking Ho!
Now truly readers does that phrase make you scan the horizon looking for "loose wimmin"????
"ladies of the night" or practioners of the worlds oldest profession.. No Of course it bloody doesn't.
HO! HO! HO! makes me think of Santa and Christmas and in a pinch, Hoe hoe hoe might make me think of all the weeds in the veggie patch and the nettles under the apple trees.
But never in a million years would the sound of a pretend Santa going ,"Ho! Ho !Ho! Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!" make me think of skanky HOs...
So here in all their glory are my un- bra-less -boobs HO! HO !FUCKING HO HO HO HO HO!
May Political Correctness Die A Silent Death
poor poor pitiful me.
Friday, December 7, 2007
Because I am a there..
I was driving home from Veronica's yesterday when I was stung by a bee..(ouch).It was a hot day. I had the window down and this suicidal bee flew into my arm and Bloody well Bit Me for no reason at all...
I screeched to a halt..eerrr um I pulled over to the side of the road. One look at the poison sac/stinger thingy stuck in the soft part of my arm confirmed my worst fears... It was indeed a bee sting.. I am allergic to bees.. shit! shit! shit!
I had the offspring and Miss Amy in the car with me, which was lucky otherwise in my panic I might well have driven off the side of the mountain..and nobody would have ever found me again... ever *sigh*
The offspring immediately assured me that he was quite capable of driving home if I wasn't up to the task.. (ahhh the confidence of youth and one lesson driving around a paddock). God luurve him..
Anyhow we made it home safely, I managed to eat the required tablets only 8 minutes after the vicious thing attacked me..
and and and I am posting this BECAUSE I AM A SOOK... SO THERE...
p.s I have photos of my poor poor arm .hehehehehehe
I screeched to a halt..eerrr um I pulled over to the side of the road. One look at the poison sac/stinger thingy stuck in the soft part of my arm confirmed my worst fears... It was indeed a bee sting.. I am allergic to bees.. shit! shit! shit!
I had the offspring and Miss Amy in the car with me, which was lucky otherwise in my panic I might well have driven off the side of the mountain..and nobody would have ever found me again... ever *sigh*
The offspring immediately assured me that he was quite capable of driving home if I wasn't up to the task.. (ahhh the confidence of youth and one lesson driving around a paddock). God luurve him..
Anyhow we made it home safely, I managed to eat the required tablets only 8 minutes after the vicious thing attacked me..
and and and I am posting this BECAUSE I AM A SOOK... SO THERE...
p.s I have photos of my poor poor arm .hehehehehehe
Happy happy I am Happy
hehehe by request hehehe
I had this up the other night But I couldn't work out how to remove the 'borrow money'
loan linky thing from below the picture.. I didn't think anyone had noticed the post at all.... Until.. Tadaaaa I received a comment from A. LUSH who managed to score 70% ..
hehehehehe cheers Kim *hic*
I had this up the other night But I couldn't work out how to remove the 'borrow money'
loan linky thing from below the picture.. I didn't think anyone had noticed the post at all.... Until.. Tadaaaa I received a comment from A. LUSH who managed to score 70% ..
hehehehehe cheers Kim *hic*
Wednesday, December 5, 2007
Total Piffle...(hehehehe)

I don't know why I keep on doing these things. Hehehehe Maybe because they make me laugh? I like to laugh. I especially like to laugh at myself..I am an over educated serial underachiever. I also am a champion procrastinator with scant regard for the niceties of grammar.
Thanks to the Fruit Femme. for this little gem...
Cheers Kim
p.s I hope if i start to speak more " Orstayleeanne loike" I might possibly bring my blogs reading level down to kindergarten....YAY something to truly aim for. (I nearly said aspire oops) and that will never do...
blogging addiction.
65%How Addicted to Blogging Are You?
I pinched this from Veronica, Ooops HEHEHE.. Now how can you be 65% Addicted to something??
I pinched this from Veronica, Ooops HEHEHE.. Now how can you be 65% Addicted to something??
You either are addicted or you are not...
cheers Kim
Tuesday, December 4, 2007
You have been selected ..
Oh My Farking Gawd I have a serious case of the giggles... I am being stalked by a telemarketer with a foul mouth and a bad attitude. So why Am I Laughing?????
The phone rings and the Offspring dithers and hands the phone to me..
( he knows the protocol we put telemarketers on hold here..)
Salesman: Hello Madam you have been selected for a free mobile phone
Me: No I am sorry I am not interested, thankyou,
ring ring ring
The offspring answers again
Salesman:Goddammit I am trying to give you free phone and you are hanging up
Offspring: Hangs up.
ring ring ring
Salesman: I am being fucking pissed off. I am trying to give you a fucking good phone
and you are fucking hanging up on me .
Me: Giggles, loudly (I couldn't help myself)
Salesman: Why are you finding this funny.It is a fucking good phone Godammit
Me: Giggling loudly and doing a bad salesman impersonation walks away from the phone to get another beer...
Leaving the salesman hanging as it was...
he hasn't rang back yet..sigh and I have been practising my accent too...
The phone rings and the Offspring dithers and hands the phone to me..
( he knows the protocol we put telemarketers on hold here..)
Salesman: Hello Madam you have been selected for a free mobile phone
Me: No I am sorry I am not interested, thankyou,
ring ring ring
The offspring answers again
Salesman:Goddammit I am trying to give you free phone and you are hanging up
Offspring: Hangs up.
ring ring ring
Salesman: I am being fucking pissed off. I am trying to give you a fucking good phone
and you are fucking hanging up on me .
Me: Giggles, loudly (I couldn't help myself)
Salesman: Why are you finding this funny.It is a fucking good phone Godammit
Me: Giggling loudly and doing a bad salesman impersonation walks away from the phone to get another beer...
Leaving the salesman hanging as it was...
he hasn't rang back yet..sigh and I have been practising my accent too...
Dirt, hehehe
So of course I took a pic, then I shovelled this dirt into a couple of containers,( I will use this in my new garden) but more about that later.. What I am really doing is using these BEFORE and AFTER pictures to experiment with my layout and posting skills... (My Very Very Basic skills.) And of course to actually have photographic evidence that I do stuff. Stuff not associated with the computer.. BUT I think my reasoning may be a bit flawed because if I actually want to show the Spouse my evidence.. OOOPS said evidence is on the computer.. *sigh*
Monday, December 3, 2007
Mud and Mini Floods.. OH YEAH!!!!
Veronica has just written a post about the 'Stuff' that falls from the sky..
Well guess what????? We have just had heaps of it. YAYAYAYAY
It is Raining.. I am Happy xoxoxox
cheers Kim..
Beer, Heatstroke and rain.
Yesterday was really hot. I absolutely despise the heat. Hate,Spit Loathe!!!! It was 35degrees celcius,(thats about 92 degrees fahrenheit) at 8pm.*sigh*
So what's a typical aussie sheila do in the stinking heat???? Well I wouldn't know as I think the typical aussie sheila is a myth. But that's beside the point.I know what I did... I got drunk. The more I glowed (that's my mums influence, hehehe.. Horses sweat,Men perspire and Women glow and boy was I glowing) The more beer I drank.
I think I gave myself a bit of sunstroke doing the laundry in the full sun as well..
So if anyone reading this post has strange comments on their posts (cough Kelley cough) You can blame it on the heat... OOOPS and the fact that I am Tasmanian and whatever other pathetic excuse I can come up with ..hehehe
Anyway We had the best thunderstorm at about 3am. Yay and we had RAIN LOVELY RAIN.
I dont know how much rain..but the small house-tank is full and we got about 6 rungs in the big tank. The spouse reckons that we probably had about an inch of rain so YAYAYAY Yay... We won't have to buy water this week 'phew' and my smelly sandshoes got a nice soak...
Sunday, December 2, 2007
weekly winners / take two..
Ok ok ok. this is a description of the messy post below... * sigh * I am a bit messy as well *hehehehe*
I had joined lotus' weekly winners. A nice fun post where you added some pics, and then added a link to lotus and then you added a shiny button as well...
But it is HOT! Stinking bloody hot *sigh* I have had copious quantities of The Amber fluid ... *Hic*..(I am just enjoying our national passtime I tell you )
And with a typical She'll Be right attitude, instead of trying to fix the mess below. I will just explain it..
they are pictures of the sunset.. It is farking hot ok...
cheers kim
I had joined lotus' weekly winners. A nice fun post where you added some pics, and then added a link to lotus and then you added a shiny button as well...
But it is HOT! Stinking bloody hot *sigh* I have had copious quantities of The Amber fluid ... *Hic*..(I am just enjoying our national passtime I tell you )
And with a typical She'll Be right attitude, instead of trying to fix the mess below. I will just explain it..
they are pictures of the sunset.. It is farking hot ok...
cheers kim
Weekly winners YAY..
I have joined in the fun at Lotus' aka Sarcastic Mom.. I will fess up and tell you that I do not have a clue what I am doing at all.. Veronica Did a thingy for me ..(she's a good daughter). So All I have to do is copy /paste a word document and hopefully I will get Lotus' groovy button up, then all I have to do is add my pics... Yay
Cross your Fingers for me.....

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